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He is the symbol of what shall we say? civilization, culture, or the spiritual sources of these, the light that alone can keep them sweet and wholesome; that light has died from the broken Roman world, and passes now west-ward through the Gates of the Sunset: through Wales, through Ireland, the Laya-Center; into the Hidden, the Place of the Spirit; into Avallon, which is Ynys Afallen, the 'Isle of Apple-trees'; whence to return in its time: Rex quondam, rexque futurus.

"Well," said the old man, "I have lived here a great many years, but never before did a Saxon call upon me, asking questions about Gronwy Owen, or his birth-place. Immortality to his memory! I owe much to him, for reading his writings taught me to be a poet!" "Dear me!" said I, "are you a poet?" "I trust I am," said he; "though the humblest of Ynys Fon."

"Ha!" cried Medenham, warming to his subject and retarding speed again, "that opens up a wide field. In Celtic mythology Avallon is Ynys yr Afallon, the Island of Apples. It is the Land of the Blessed, where Morgana holds her court.

So then we fell upon conjecturing what we should have done to save ourselves under similar circumstances, which gave rise to so many bloody-minded schemes and horrible intentions of torture, that no respectable snake would have ventured near us. What! has a year gone? Are we celebrating the day of our arrival at YR YNYS UNYG? More, much more, days flee away, weeks speed on, months glide by us.

They made for "YR YNYS UNYG" as a last chance, knowing that few but themselves were aware that the great Anaconda was dead, and they trusted that the fear of it would prevent any one from landing on the island. Their intentions were all frustrated by finding us all perched upon the rock, and it became a matter of policy to get rid of us somehow.

Florence, my eldest sister, made sketches of every place interesting to us, and, finally, we bade adieu to "YR YNYS UNYG." Seated on the deck we saw the lovely island fade from our sight, with mixed feelings certainly but no regret. We had none for it, because we could only think of the happiness opening before us.

All these statements appear to be incorrect. To deal with them categorically: I find no record at the Diocesan Registry of his having been ordained at Bangor at all; the following entry in the parish register of Llanfair shows that he was not in holy orders in July, 1704: "Gulielmus filius Elizaei Wynne generosi de Las ynys et uxoris suis baptizatus fuit quindecimo die Julii, 1704.

I had the casting vote in giving a name to the house, but, previously, I thought it as well that we should give a name to our island. "Certainly, certainly," was said on all sides, and also most voices decided it should be a Welsh name; therefore, in a glass of lime punch, after a long discussion, we christened our island "YR YNYS UNYG," the last word, Unyg, being pronounced as inig.

"Yes," said he, "and a horse-dealer, and a farmer, though rather a small one." "I suppose as you are a horse-dealer," said I, "you travel much about?" "Yes," said the man; "I have travelled a good deal about Wales and England." "Have you been in Ynys Fon?" said I. "I see you are a Welshman," said the man. "No," said I, "but I know a little Welsh." "Ynys Fon!" said the man.

How came a Paston into Ynys Fon? Are there any people bearing that name at present in these parts?" "Not that I am aware," said Pritchard, "I wonder who his wife Ann was?" said I, "from the style of that tablet she must have been a considerable person." "Perhaps she was the daughter of the Lewis family of Llan Dyfnant," said Pritchard; "that's an old family and a rich one.