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Yet some men say that King Arthur is not dead, but hid away into another place, and men say that he shall come again and reign over England. But many say that there is written on his tomb this verse: "Hie facet Arthurus, Rex quondam, Rexque futurus." Here Arthur lies, King once and King to be.

Finallie, in memorie of the said Elfleds magnanimitie and valorous mind, this epitaph was fixed on hir toome. O Elfleda potens, ô terror virgo virorum, O Elfleda potens, nomine digna viri. Te quóque splendidior fecit natura puellam, Te probitas fecit nomen habere viri. Te mutare decet sed solum nomina sexus, Tu regina potens rexque trophea parans.

Yet some men say that King Arthur is not dead, but hid away into another place, and men say that he shall come again and reign over England. But many say that there is written on his tomb this verse: "Hie facet Arthurus, Rex quondam, Rexque futurus." Here Arthur lies, King once and King to be.

He is the symbol of what shall we say? civilization, culture, or the spiritual sources of these, the light that alone can keep them sweet and wholesome; that light has died from the broken Roman world, and passes now west-ward through the Gates of the Sunset: through Wales, through Ireland, the Laya-Center; into the Hidden, the Place of the Spirit; into Avallon, which is Ynys Afallen, the 'Isle of Apple-trees'; whence to return in its time: Rex quondam, rexque futurus.

On his tomb were supposed to be inscribed the words: Hic jacet Arthurus rex, quondam rexque futurus. Henry II visited his legendary grave at Glastonbury, and named his grandson Arthur. Remarkable features of nature rocks, caves, and mounds were associated in the popular mind with the achievements of Arthur, and many are connected with them by name at the present day.

But many men say that there is written upon his tomb this verse: Hic jacet Arthurus, Rex quondam, Rexque futurus. Thus leave I here Sir Bedivere with the hermit, that dwelled that time in a chapel beside Glastonbury, and there was his hermitage. And so they lived in their prayers, and fastings, and great abstinence.

Indeed, when good King Arthur reappears to claim his crown he will find things strangely altered here; and may we not look for his coming? for there is written upon his gravestone:— “Hic jacet Arturus, Rex quondam Rexque futurus,” “Here Arthur lies, who formerly Was kingand king again to be.”

Indeed, when good King Arthur reappears to claim his crown, he will find things strangely altered here; and may we not look for his coming? for there is written upon his gravestone: Hic jacet Arturus, Rex quondam Rexque futurus. Here Arthur lies, who formerly Was king and king again to be.

But many men say that there is written upon his tombe this verse: Hic jacet Arthurus, rex quondam, rexque futurus." This is a belief dear to the heart of many an oppressed people. It was told of Harold that he was not slain at Senlac, and that he would yet come back to lead his countrymen against the hated Normans.