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"Well, it looks like the world caved in on you," returned Chester. "Fortunately, appearances are deceitful. I yanked the log loose from above and you were buried in the dirt. Fortunately, I got you out in time. How do you feel?" "I don't feel very chipper," was the faint reply; "but I guess I'm all right." "Can you get up?" "Don't know; I'll try."

You have to be a thirty-third degree Homeburger from his standpoint; that is, you or your father must have stolen apples with him I belong to the inner lodge. My father and President Banks ate a peck of peaches one night in Frazier's orchard, between them, and got half way through the pearly gates before they were yanked back by two doctors.

But by the time the girls appeared we had yanked up all the sails that was handy, and the Pyxie was slanted over, just scootin' through the choppy water gay and careless, like she was glad to be tied loose. "Isn't this glorious?" exclaims Miss Hampton, steadying herself on the high side and glancin' admirin' up at the white sails stretched tight as drumheads. I expect that should have been Mr.

If he were and sneaked down now to provision the stope, the thing would be dead easy, even to firewood, for Thompson had yanked in a couple of loads of mine props and left them there. I lit out into the passage to hunt Charliet and find out where the bunk-house men had gone to. But there was no sign of either in the wind and snow outside the shack.

"Not very clever of you to plant your tent stakes so the first strong wind would blow them out of the ground," said Spencer. "The wind didn't blow them out, and the strain of the ropes didn't pull them out. I fixed those stakes just before I went to bed. Who do you suppose yanked them up?" "I never was good at riddles," replied Spencer. "Maybe it was Mr. Newton." "Yes," said Glen, "or Apple!

Bull just yanked out a gun as long as your arm, and drew her down on me, saying, "See here; I want that money d d quick, for I won it fair." He then turned the big gun on Bill, and said, "Tell him to hand it over, or I be d d if I don't blow h l out of you d d quick." Poor old Bill was shaking all over, but he managed to say, "Give her up, George."

The horse got scared and yanked me around, and just then Harry got his knife into me. I saw he was in for my life and I threw down the whip and run, the blood a-spurting out o' me, hot as b'ilin' water. I was scared, I admit that. I thought he'd opened a big artery in me, and I guess he did."

A handy seaman tossed a bight of line over his shoulders as he bobbed past the forefoot of the brig and he was yanked bodily over the bulwark like a strange species of fish. Flopping on deck he waved a skinny arm in greeting and then Jack Cockrell rushed at him, lifted him bodily, and dragged him to the cabin. "What ho, comrade!" said the dripping merman.

He had a spear in his hand and was sneaking up on Taggart who stood there almost fainting from fright. There was murder in the priest's eyes; I saw it and bent my gun on him. The trigger snapped on dead cartridges, and I yanked out my knife. I'd have been too late, at that. But the girl saw the priest, and she dodged behind him and gave him a shove.

In a thoughtless moment Alf Henley said he'd take twenty-five, and, knowing what it was railly worth, I yanked out the money on the spot and laid it down. He's a gentleman' she said 'Alf Henley is a plumb gentleman, but he tried his level best to back down. Jim Cahews will testify that I was actually obliged to leave the money on the counter and walk out before he'd give in. Is that so, Alf?"