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My fellowmen! cried Mr Pecksniff, shaking his head in pity; 'you are much mistaken; my wormy relatives, you are much deceived! Why are not you? Oh! do not strive and struggle to enrich yourselves, or to get the better of each other, my deluded friends, but look up there, with me! Mrs Lupin shook her head, and heaved a sigh. It was very affecting.

Mr. Lambert told Mr. Macauley that he could not see the advisability of such a building. "But," said Macauley, "there's so much condemned goods, such as flour, meat and other groceries the flour is wormy and we can buy them for nearly nothing, and could sell them for a big profit."

If they did, the birds would come to him, and the more he had, the fewer bugs and worms he would be troubled with, so he would be sure of big crops, and sound fruit. He said he would much rather have a few good apples picked by robins or jays, than untouched trees, loaded with wormy falling ones he could neither use nor sell.

To go a journey without a walking-stick much would be lost; indeed it would be folly. A stick is the fly-wheel of the engine. Something is needed to whack things with, little stones, wormy apples, and so forth, in the road. It can be changed from one hand to the other, which is a great help. Then if one slips a trifle on a down-grade turn it is a lengthened arm thrown out to steady one.

"Yes," said Cross slowly, "you are quite right, Ikey Gregg. It's a sign." "What's a sign?" asked Rodd, coming up. "The the Bun Ikey Gregg says it is a sign, sir, that we see that big squirming wormy thing, and I says he's quite right, sir. It is a sign." "Why, what can it be a sign of, Joe?"

After Rollo and James had thrown in several apples, George came and turned them all out. “You must not put them in so,” said he; “all the good and bad ones together.” “How must we put them in?” asked Rollo. “Why, first we must get a load of good, large, whole, round apples, and then a load of small and wormy ones. We only put the good ones into the barrels.”

"It's a big tree," said Marilla, "and it blooms great, but the fruit don't amount to much never small and wormy." "Oh, I don't mean just the tree; of course it's lovely yes, it's RADIANTLY lovely it blooms as if it meant it but I meant everything, the garden and the orchard and the brook and the woods, the whole big dear world. Don't you feel as if you just loved the world on a morning like this?

A premature apple is not a good apple, albeit the small boy relishes it but only because he may get his apple earlier; in the apple season, when ripe fruits are abundant, the boy does not choose the wormy one. Pick the apple from the tree. It will do you good. It is ever so much better than to pick it from a box on the market or out of a quart-can in the ice-chest.

In one of the apartments some rough-looking peasants are eating dinner, a frugal meal: a dish of unclean polenta, a plate of grated cheese, a basket of wormy figs, and some sour red wine; no bread, no meat. They looked at us askance, and with no sign of hospitality.

Wilson lent the hangman; and when they heard that she was reprieved, she would not come down, saying that she would suffer with her brethren. And suffer death she did, at last, and the Reverend Mr. Wilson made a pious ballad on her execution. It is no wonder, if some persons declare that about this time the wheat of Massachusetts began to be generally blasted, and the peas to grow wormy.