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"So far it is you who have answered with rhetoric and declamation." "Word-of-mouth proofs." "Here in the Château?" "No," answered Commines reluctantly, "not just in the Château but at its very door. I tell you, Stephen, there can be no mistake. Weeks ago Hugues approached him, first with hints, then more openly. It was the very cunning of Satan, the line of argument was so plausible.

They were holding twenty or thirty of us in the city jail, and mysterious word had gone down the line in all directions, that quick telegraph by word-of-mouth that tramps use among themselves, to avoid the town that it was "horstile."... Again rolling miles of arid country.

"No more word-of-mouth business for me with you." Cappy laughed; and, calling in a stenographer, he dictated the option. "Now, then, Matt," he said as he signed the option five minutes later and handed it to Matt, "who shall we make out the bills of sale to?" "To the Pacific Shipping Company. When you're ready telephone me and I'll bring the check round." "Go get your check now," Cappy ordered.

They have seen and heard the red wrath of war, not in the pictures of the illustrated papers, not in the cinema shows, not even by the word-of-mouth tales of chance men who have been in it; but at first-hand, with their own eyes and ears, in the leaping flames of burning homes, in the puffing white clouds of the shrapnel, the black spouting smoke of the high-explosive, in the deafening thunder of the guns, the yelling shells, the crash of falling walls, the groans of wounded men, the screams of frightened children.

Ireland is not a colony. She's a nation. Man, man, you don't understand. Only an Irishman can, and he gets it at his mother's or his grandmother's knee the word-of-mouth history of his people, the history that isn't in the books! Do you think I can forget? Do you think I want to forget?" "No," Matt Peasley replied quietly; "I think you'll have to forget in so far as Terence Reardon is concerned.

It was to Adams that every dispute was referred; all those slight disagreements which spring up from time to time, but which with the islanders were never, as they said, more than word-of-mouth quarrels, and always ended before set of sun.

But Selwood shook his head and uttered a dismal groan. "Another of my late employer's peculiarities," he answered, "was that he never gave or took receipts in what one may call word-of-mouth transactions! He had a rooted almost savage objection to anybody asking him for a receipt for cash; he absolutely refused to take one if he paid cash.

If I sell a man a book by Stevenson or Conrad, a book that delights or terrifies him, that man and that book become my living advertisements." "But that word-of-mouth advertising is exploded," said Gilbert. "You can't get Distribution that way. You've got to keep your trademark before the public." "By the bones of Tauchnitz!" cried Mifflin.

When hour after hour, she sat by his sofa, interesting him as best she could in the dull "good" books which alone were allowed of Sundays, and then passing into word-of-mouth stories the beautiful Bible stories over which her own voice trembled while she told them Ruth, with her piteous cry, "Whither thou goest, I will go; where thou diest, I will die, and there will I be buried;" Jonathan, whose soul "clave to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul" all these histories of passionate fidelity and agonized parting for every sort of love is essentially the same how they went to her heart.

The newspaper advertisements were responsible for this in the beginning, but those who first came told others that the best stock of Christmas goods in Ostable County was to be found at the store of Hamilton and Company, in South Harniss, and so the indirect, word-of-mouth advertising, which is the best and most convincing kind, spread and brought results.