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He certainly was for his contemporaries a wonder-worker and healer of disease, and, in order to appreciate the impression which he made, the miracles recorded in the gospels must be allowed to reveal what they can of his character.

He sought to hide from the public eye the marvelous results of his God-given power manifested daily in his parish, His "dear little St. Philomena," who never failed him in his hour of need, heard many plaints from him in which he charged her with working the marvels that were effected through his ministry. Such was the humility of the "wonder-worker" of our own age. The gift of a medal of St.

But she is not offended at this seeming neglect. She does not exclaim, with the sarcastic vehemence of disappointed hope, "Is this Son of David the wonder-worker of Israel the meek, the compassionate, the condescending person of whom we have heard such extraordinary reports? Am I to be neglected while others are relieved?" but patiently waits the result, still persevering in her suit.

His boat loaded to the scuppers with squid, and at thirty cents a pound you figure it up yourself! The penniless idlers on shore surveyed the wonder-worker as though a sea of dollars were pitching and tumbling out there beyond the surf. Chepa came down with his oxen, and the Mayflower began to climb the beach, grating along over the runners that had been laid under her bottom.

Reason itself is only an under-servant. It has no creative skill. Memory makes no discoveries. But the imagination is a wonder-worker. One day, chancing upon a large bone of the mammoth in the Black Forest, Oken, the German naturalist, exclaimed: "This is a part of a spinal column."

He brought me a picture of this wonder-worker tapping the barrel, and the little ones in the act of coming out alive and well. One familiar with Romanism in South America has said: "It is amazing to hear men who have access to the Word of God and the facts of history and of the actual state of the Romish world attempt to apologize for or even defend Romanism. Romanism is not Christianity."

From Saint Véran the wonder-worker, and Saint Lambert the tender nurse of lepers, to the end, they were men noted for bravery, goodness, and learning, and it was not till the Revolution that one was found and fittingly the last who, hating the "Oath" and fearing the guillotine, fled his See. This city of good Bishops was founded in the dim, pagan past of Gaul.

Thrush could see it," he had observed, laying down the brick he had taken up to add to the tower just before his father had spoken. "He would be pleased." The words had been lifted out on a sigh, the sigh of the wonder-worker who had achieved his mission. And then they had talked of Mr. Thrush, sitting carefully, almost motionless, beside the tower, and speaking softly "for fear."

The old physicians not only believed in its general efficacy as a wonder-worker in disease, but they believed that each malady could be successfully attacked from some special part of the body, the strategic point which commanded the seat of the morbid affection.

The curiosity which draws men to the masters of the arts has no real honour in it; the only recognition which is real and lasting is that which springs from the perception of truth and beauty disclosed anew in some noble form. Prospero was a magician, but he was much more and much greater than a wonder-worker; not Caliban, but Ferdinand and Miranda and Gonzalo, are the true judges of his power.