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It is pleasant enough to have no insult and danger to apprehend; but what will you say to having no funds?" "We shall see when that time comes, love. Meantime, here is breakfast, and the sweet Sunday all before us?" The pressure of her hand by her husband effaced all woes, present and future. "Who is Mr Walcot?" asked Margaret. "Somebody from Blickley, I suppose," said Hester. "No," replied Hope.

"Has any misfortune befallen you, Father?" she asked with filial solicitude. "Ah! I only wish," cried the Normandy priest, "that all the woes inflicted on you by the hand of God were dealt out to me; but, my admirable friend, there are trials to which you can but bow."

All gods that any groups of simians ever conceive of, from the woodenest little idol in the forest to the mightiest Spirit, no matter how much they may differ, will have one trait in common: a readiness to drop any cosmic affair at short notice, focus their minds on the far-away pellet called Earth, and become immediately wholly concerned, aye, engrossed, with any individual worshipper's woes or desires, a readiness to notice a fellow when he is going to bed.

Already those woes which He whom you crucified foretold, knock at your door, and within a few short years not one of you who crowd this place in thousands will draw the breath of life. Nothing will remain of you on earth save the fruit of those deeds which you have done these and your bones, no more.

"Achilles wept, remembering his dear comrade, nor did sleep that conquereth all take hold of him, but he kept turning himself to this side and to that, yearning for Patroclus' manhood and excellent valour, and all the toils he achieved with him and the woes he bare, cleaving the battles of men and the grievous waves.

He rambled on for some minutes, expanding under the soulful influence of his own woes and the pleasure of having a visible auditor instead of the make-believe ones he conjured out of the air at times when privacy afforded him the opportunity to lament aloud. At any other time Barnes would have been bored by such confidences as these. Now he was eagerly drinking in every word that Peter uttered.

No wonder that he thought of ending his woes by plunging into the Seine. But a glimmering of light came and lifted him out of a numbing despair. He was made to see in his hour of trial that lassitude must cease, and that he was meant for other things, and in order to accomplish them he must be strong and audacious.

You can't live on nerve energy forever. And I know your delicatessen suppers or else the rich orgies to which you are invited not enough sleep and always that eternal upstage pose!" "Gay wears on me; he is growing strong, with never an ache or pain. I never used to have them but I'm all unnerved and weak. He hates me, Mary. Yes, he does." She began a detailed recital of woes. "Why not leave him?"

That my pains had vanished was now a trifle in my eyes this negative effect was swallowed up in the immensity of those positive effects which had opened before me in the abyss of divine enjoyment thus suddenly revealed. Here was a panacea, a phaomakon nepenfes, for all human woes; here was the secret of happiness, about which philosophers had disputed for so many ages, at once discovered.

She poured out her woes to them with acceptable results, and nothing that would damage him and draw sympathy to herself was left uncommunicated. Her whole thought was of herself. She did not intend to be false or cruel to him, and yet she was both cruel and false.