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The Rajput bowed. "Before he went away, he spoke to me of safety, and told me he would leave a link between me and men whom I may trust." The Rajput bowed again. Neither of them saw an elbow laid on the window-ledge of a room above the arch; it disappeared, and very gingerly a bared black head replaced it. Then the head too disappeared.

It had a window in it, and Sundays he could see everything that went on in the street below. He could even look into the front rooms of the tenements across the way. There was a little girl over there who interested Chieftain greatly. She was trying to raise some sort of a flower in a tin can which she kept on the window-ledge. She often waved her hand at Chieftain. Then there was poor Tim Doyle.

Nothing but those terrible eyes was visible, but in the dreadful tumult of her feelings as the situation disclosed itself to her understanding she somehow knew that the animal was standing on its hinder feet, supporting itself with its paws on the window-ledge. That signified a malign interest not the mere gratification of an indolent curiosity.

For as he was standing on the box, widening softly the aperture in the drifted snow upon the little window-ledge, he became conscious of cold air in a current beating upon the back of his head. The draught, that should surely be entering, was blowing out! At once he thought of a chimney, but there was no fireplace in his cell.

It was Fear that he ran from, and not the moving stone beast. He stood panting under the fifth window; when he had climbed to the window-ledge by the twisted ivy that clung to the wall, he looked back over the grey slope there was a splashing at the fish-pool that had mirrored the stars the shape of the great stone beast was wallowing in the shallows among the lily-pads.

He laughs jarringly as he knocks the ashes out of the blackened pipe upon the corner of the window-ledge. "Give credit to the human imagination and the human will for inventing a personage so useful to the Christian Churches as the Devil.

He turned away, laying his cheek against the stone window-ledge, while the drops of a passing scud of rain beat in on his hot face. "Then then my father never saw me," he exclaimed vehemently. And, after a moment's pause, added, "I am glad of that very glad." "Ah! But, my dearest," Lady Calmady cried, bewildered and aghast, "you don't know what you are saying think."

"I will not bear it," he said, suddenly, with the frantic instinct of escape which makes a man climb out of a burning house over a window-ledge. Far down is the pavement, quiet, impassive, deadly. But behind is the blast of the furnace. Panic staggers between the two, and jumps. "I will not bear it," said Hugh, tears of anguish welling up into his eyes.

George immediately went to the window, secured the ladder again and more firmly, then getting up on to the sill and holding to the bars with one hand, he stretched out the other to the queen, who, as resolute as she had been timid a moment before, mounted on a stool, and had already set one foot on the window-ledge, when suddenly the cry, "Who goes there?" rang out at the foot of the tower.

Once she penetrated into a turret room, and came unexpectedly upon the Prince, who was sitting on the window-ledge, looking absently out on the broad and smiling valley that lay for miles below the castle. He sprang to his feet and stared so fiercely at the intruder that the girl's heart failed her, and she had not even the presence of mind to turn and run.