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"It was my purpose, before this interruption," he said, after a pause of some moments, "to read to you some portions of a work which will, probably, be spoken of extensively by the world." And Mr. Roundjacket paused. Verty also was silent.

"The seat is not vacant," said Mrs. Finn, "and I don't know when it will be vacant. I think there is a hitch about it, and I think the Duchess is going to be made very angry." Throughout the autumn the Duke had been an unhappy man.

"Then you will be killed or you will be sent to France, or you will love some one else and forget me " "Forgot you! love some one else! Oh! Heaven and earth!" cried Moyse, clasping her in his arms, and putting his whole soul into the kisses he impressed on her forehead. "And what," he continued, in a voice which thrilled her heart, "what would you do if I were killed?" "I would die.

The more that believers receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the more clearly will they appreciate this great mystery, and the more closely will they be drawn to all other believers, hushing jealous thoughts and uncharitable words, and "endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."

We are losing ourselves in them," she said. The little house was lost to sight in the trees. "Where are we going?" she added. "Wait a moment and you will see." He walked on slowly, with his easy, determined gait, which, in its lightness, denoted a strength that had been trained. "Now to the right." He was walking on her left.

With him return triumphantly to Sturatzberg, and if a rabble of rebellious soldiery, led away by traitors who are among us, stand in your way, I can trust Captain Ellerey's sword to cut a path through it. Will you unclasp the bracelet for me? the fastening is difficult." As she held out her arm the door opened, and the servant who had fetched Ellerey entered.

The time is not far distant when automobile parties will arrange to stop over in one of these little places, and with a competent guide, go over the deserted placers.

Jacqueline was drawn to her at once. She became enthusiastic over her work, or, at least, believed herself to be so. Sister Angele knew perfectly what was the object of her passion: she was used to provoking them; and without seeming to notice them, she used skilfully to turn them to account for her work and the glory of God. Jacqueline gave up her money, her will, her heart.

One day, we are told, he complained in a mixed company of Lord Camden. "I met him," said he, "at Lord Clare's house in the country, and he took no more notice of me than if I had been an ordinary man." The story of his peach-coloured coat will not soon be forgotten. If in some men Their graces serve them but as enemies,

"No, no, Major," returned the guide confidently; "that would be a risky declaration. I didn't load the piece, and can't say what was in it; but if it was lead, you will find the bullet driving down those of the Quartermaster and Jasper, else is not my name Pathfinder." A shout from the target announced the truth of this assertion.