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"And the smartest, most up-to-date place. Talk about the West bein' oncivilized! My land! you ought to see that town! Electric lights, and telephones, and and I don't know what all! Why, Miss What's-your-name Miss Dorcas, marm, you just ought to see the photygraphs I've got that was took out there. My niece, she took 'em with one of them little mites of cameras.

Creakle. 'My stars! But give me leave to ask you, Mr. What's-your-name'; and here Mr. Creakle folded his arms, cane and all, upon his chest, and made such a knot of his brows that his little eyes were hardly visible below them; 'whether, when you talk about favourites, you showed proper respect to me? To me, sir, said Mr.

"By the Lord, you shall pay for running my bosun through!" "And by the Lord, Captain What's-your-name," I cried back, for the rum I had taken had heated me, "you and your fellow-rascals shall pay in blood for this villanous injury!" Griggs got to his feet and seized his hanger, his face like livid marble seamed with blue.

A door at her right hand as she entered was slightly ajar, and voices could be heard from the other side of it. One of these voices very shortly raised itself in a harsh and angry tone, and Ida could catch what was said. "Well, Mr. What's-your-name, I suppose I know my own business rather better than you can teach me.

Burnham gathered his wits together for a final threat. "That's what I will do!" he threatened. "And I'll do it the minute I can see him. You can bet on that, Mister What's-Your-Name!" "No, I can't," said Nat naively. "I'm not allowed to gamble." His ingenuous expression exasperated Burnham. The man lost control of his temper at the same moment that he acknowledged to himself his defeat.

Rogers, slowly, after a pause, "this is a black business, and a curst mysterious one, and I wasn't born with the gift of seeing daylight through a brick wall. But speaking as a magistrate, Mr. What's-your-name, I ought to warn you against saying what may be used for evidence. As for you, lad, you'd best tell as much as you know. What d'ye say his name was?" "Coffin, sir." "H'm, he's earned it.

"Then, undoubtedly, my sweet young friend, your wishes shall be commands Eh! you sir! Doctor What's-your-name! meet me in the library at ten o'clock to-morrow morning," said Le Noir, insolently. "I have engagements, sir, that will occupy me between the hours of ten and three; before or after that period I am at your disposal," said Traverse, coldly. "Pardieu!

''Very business-like indeed, Mr What's-your-name, says Conscience, ''but it won't do here!" The gentleman got up and walked to the window again and back: seriously uneasy, though giving his uneasiness this peculiar expression. 'Miss Harriet, he said, resuming his chair, 'I wish you would let me serve you. Look at me; I ought to look honest, for I know I am so, at present. Do I?

"'We have few conveniences for saving labour; but I see I need not explain anything to you; you can think of nothing but your thirty pounds a year; so, Mr. What's-your-name, draw up the agreement for a year.

This lady seemed to take extreme pleasure in accosting Thaddeus by the appellation of "Friend," "My good man," "Mr. What's-your-name," and similar squibs of insult, with which the prosperous assail the unfortunate. Such random shots they know often inflict the most galling wounds. However, "Friend," "My good man," and "Mr. What's-your-name," disappointed this lady's small artillery of effect.