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It may well be, said Sir Kay, the Seneschal, but in mockage ye shall be called La Cote Male Taile, that is as much to say, the evil-shapen coat It is a great thing that thou askest, said the king; and for what cause wearest thou that rich coat? tell me, for I can well think for some cause it is.

Thou shouldst always protect thy person also with care, in matters connected with thy food, O Bharata, as also in the hours of sport and eating and in matters connected with the garlands thou wearest and the beds thou liest upon.

I mean to pay it all back when I return or when I send to Lord Cedric." "And when will that be, Lambkin?" "When the King gives me audience." "And thou art expecting the Duke of Monmouth to bring the word from Whitehall?" "He said 'twas his pleasure so to do." "Now God pity me this day; I would I had never seen it!" "Why wearest thou so sorry a face, Janet?" "For thy too fat zeal.

When I alighted at the end of the long gallery before the armed woman, she said to me: "Take off the night-dress thou wearest." I looked at my attire and was about to answer "This is not a night-dress," when she added, as though perceiving my thought: "The woman's garb is a night-dress; it is a garment made to sleep in. The man's garb is the dress for the day. Look eastward!"

Wearest thou so white a beard, and knowest thou not, that to refuse surrendering an indefensible post, by the martial law, deserves hanging?" "My beard and I," said Sir Henry, "have settled that matter between us, and agree right cordially. It is better to run the risk of being hanged, like honest men, than to give up our trust like cowards and traitors."

Draw that sword thou wearest and make an end of the woes of Antony." "Oh, Sire," cried the Greek, "I cannot! How can I take away the life of godlike Antony?" "Answer me not, Eros; but in the last extreme of fate this I charge thee. Do thou my bidding, or begone and leave me quite alone! No more will I see thy face, thou unfaithful servant!"

I bless thee with the strength of love Before I send thee forth. Mine own! I fear to bless thee, I hardly dare caress thee, Because I love thee with a love That overgrows my life; And as the time gets longer Its tender throbs grow stronger: My maiden troth but waits to be The fondness of the wife. Alas! alas! my dearest, The look of pain thou wearest!

Thou wearest thy mother about thy neck. The gypsy predicted it!" The sacked nun again pressed her daughter in her arms. "Come, let me kiss you! You say that prettily. When we are in the country, we will place these little shoes on an infant Jesus in the church. We certainly owe that to the good, holy Virgin. What a pretty voice you have! When you spoke to me just now, it was music!

O monarch, I hope trusted servants have been employed by thee to look after thy food, the robes thou wearest and the perfumes thou usest. I hope, O king, thy treasury, barns, stables arsenals, and women's apartments, are all protected by servants devoted to thee and ever seeking thy welfare.

Now Haman reasoned with himself, that what opinion he should give it would be for himself, since it was he alone who was beloved by the king: so he gave that advice which he thought of all other the best; for he said, "If thou wouldst truly honor a man whom thou sayest thou dost love, give order that he may ride on horseback, with the same garment on which thou wearest, and with a gold chain about his neck, and let one of thy intimate friends go before him, and proclaim through the whole city, that whosoever the king honoreth obtaineth this mark of his honor."