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"What shall we have for New Year's dinner, Rod? Do you like a turkey, roasted brown and crispy, with giblet gravy and cranberry jelly? Do you fancy an apple dumpling afterwards, an apple dumpling with potato crust, or will you have a suet pudding with foamy sauce?" "Stop, Waitstill!" cried Ivory. "Don't put hope into us until you are ready to satisfy it; we can't bear it!"

He is son and daughter both, now that Mr. Boynton is away from home. You did not see any one in the road as you turned in from the bars, I suppose?" "No," answered Waitstill, surprised and confused, "but I didn't really notice; I was thinking of a cool place for my horse to stand." "I sit out here in these warm afternoons," Mrs.

Waitstill went about her work with rather a heavy heart. Was life going to be more rather than less difficult, now that Patty was growing up? Would she he able to do her duty both by father and sister and keep peace in the household, as she had vowed, in her secret heart, always to do? She paused every now and then to look out of the window and wave an encouraging hand to Patty.

But before Arvilly went out with Waitstill leanin' on her arm, she turned and faced them dumb-foundered men once more: "Who is accountable for the death of her lover?" pintin' to the frail, droopin' figger. "Who is accountable for the death of my husband?

The picture had been burned after giving the Reverend his own horrified flash of it, and they would both pray daily that I might get up out of this degradation and be once more a good, true woman that some pure little child would not be ashamed to call the sacred name of mother. "Such was Aunt Waitstill what names them poor old girls had to stand for!

Waitstill led the trebles, and Ivory was at the far end of the choir in the basses, but each was conscious of the other's presence. This morning he could hear her noble voice rising a little above, or, perhaps from its quality, separating itself somehow, ever so little, from the others. How full of strength and hope it was, her voice!

If my father is deserted by all, I must see that he is made comfortable. He never treated me like a daughter, but I acknowledge his claim." "Mine is such a gloomy house!" "Will it be gloomy when I am in it?" and Waitstill, usually so grave, laughed at last like a care-free child. Ivory felt himself hidden in the beautiful shelter of the girl's love.

Boynton's room quietly, hand in hand, and when she saw Waitstill she raised herself from her pillow and held out her arms with a soft cry of delight. "I haven't had you for so long, so long!" she said, touching the girl's cheek with her frail hand.

"Well, he had better git down out of the pulpit," sez Phila, "and let some one git up there who can see a sinner right under his nose, and try to drag him out of danger and ruin, and not have to look over a dozen centuries to find him." "Well, I am thankful for Ernest White, and I have felt that he and Waitstill Webb wuz jest made for each other. He thinks his eyes of her I know.

But I knew there wuz no danger of his hair ever stringin' down his back, for I could, if danger pressed too near, cut it off durin' his sleep, and would, too, even if it led to words. Wall, Arvilly's first work, after she had canvassed the hotel-keeper for the "Twin Crimes," and as many of the guests as she could, wuz to find out if Waitstill wuz there. And sure enough she found her.