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Young man, remember, said he I will never forget his vorts 'young man, vine is goot slip is goot goat is goot but honners is betters!" "A capital story, Randal," cried Dick; "but how much of it did you invent?" "'Pon my life, it is as near the original as possible." "Besides, that is not a fair way of using a story," said the doctor.

"It will not be paad for a peginning, Malcolm. She cannot say it shust pe vorts, or tat tere pe much of ta sense in it; but it pe fery like what ta pabes will say pefore tey pekin to speak it properly.

So it's all fery well, and if you will only pe putting your mouth in ta Gaelic shape often enough, ta sounds will soon pe taking ta shape of it, and ta vorts will be coming trough ta mists, and pefore you know, you'll pe peing a creat credit to your cranfather, my boy, Malcolm."

'Mark my vorts, said Darco, as they rolled along the country road towards the station at which they were to intercept the northward travelling Malle des Indes, 'you are dravelling to vame ant vorchune. 'Well,'said Paul, 'that's pleasant to know, isn't it, old Darco? 'It is very bleasant, returned Darco. 'You ant I are an iteal gouple. We fit each other like the two halves of a pear.

I like I skoll understand all das har big vorts yu make." "You'll understand them, I don't think," moaned Bost. "You couldn't understand a swift kick in the ribs. You are a fool. Understand that, muttonhead?" Ole understood. "Vy for yu call me fule?" he said indignantly. "Aye du yust vat you say." "Ar-r-r-r!" bubbled Bost, walking around himself three or four times. "You do just what I say!

O'Royster said she's 'fraid m' health washn't good 'nuff f' such hic heavy work." "You hear der vorts uf dot shbeaker und you see der faces uf der men. Vat you t'ink it mean? Hey? It mean var upon der reech. It mean Nye Yorick in ashes " "Wha's use? Don't seem t' me s' t' would pay. Of course, ol' f'law, whatever you says, goes. But 't seems t' me " "You can safe all dot var.

A sporting vid vorts a 'galembour' a Gott pless me, vat you call a 'pon." "Like the one you made when you were a young man?" Jolland called out from the lower end of the table. "Yes; tell us the one you made when you were a young man," the class entreated, with flattering eagerness. Herr Stohwasser began to laugh with slow, deep satisfaction; the satisfaction of a successful achievement.

"The music has been a great treat to me," remarked John. "I have heard nothing of the sort for two years." "You have quite contributed your share of the entertainment," said Mrs. Benson. "You and I together," he responded, smiling. "You have got a be-oodifool woice," said Herr Schlitz, speaking with a mouthful of salad, "und you zing ligh a moosician, und you bronounce your vorts very goot."

Und come here you, MacBride, mit your red het, und you, Ludwig Wolfen, and you Tom Devine, und you Charley de Buis, you wicked damdt devil, und you, Tom Denison, you saucy Australian boy, mit your curlt moustache and your svell vite tuck suit; und led us join our hands together, and agree to have no more quarrellings und no more angry vorts.

But now, mine friendts, I vill say no more, vor I am dry; so here's to all our good healths, and let us bromise one another not to haf no more angry vorts. And so we all gathered around the big table, and, grasping each other's hands, raised our glasses and drank together without speaking, for there was something we knew not what that lay behind Dutch Peter's little speech which made us think.