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My third, which followed sharp upon the heels of this disaster, was scarcely more of a success. This time I led to the altar a buffalo cow, as they call the "mully" down south a large, spotted, creamy-skinned cow, with a fine udder, that I persuaded a Jew drover to part with for ninety dollars. True I felt like returning to him after a "gouple of days," but not to pay the other ten dollars.

She wound the scarf and threw the end over her left shoulder with a duchess' grace. "A gouple of young vools," said Policeman Kohen to Ransom; "come on away." At the stroke of six Ikey Snigglefritz laid down his goose. Ikey was a tailor's apprentice. Are there tailor's apprentices nowadays?

Fenholtz said that she and her husband must be going, also. "But we shall hope to see a great deal of you and Mr. I should say Captain Dott," she said. "You must dine with us very soon. I will set an evening and you mustn't say no." "That is right," said Mr. Fenholtz heartily. "Captain, some of these days you and I will take a gouple of days and go down and look at that boat.

Dere's a Chile meat gompany owns de island, und grows sheep. Aboud a gouple of hundred kanakas chase de sheep. Ve vas dreaded vell mit de vimmen makin' luff und the kanakas glad mit it. Dere vas noding else to do. De manager he say no ship come for six months, und he vanted us to blant bodadoes, und ve had no tobacco.

'Mark my vorts, said Darco, as they rolled along the country road towards the station at which they were to intercept the northward travelling Malle des Indes, 'you are dravelling to vame ant vorchune. 'Well,'said Paul, 'that's pleasant to know, isn't it, old Darco? 'It is very bleasant, returned Darco. 'You ant I are an iteal gouple. We fit each other like the two halves of a pear.