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He was all bent by years and hard work, with muscles of iron, hands gnarled and lumpy, but clinching like a vise; grey head thrust forward on shoulders which had carried forkfuls of hay and grain, and leaned to the cradle and the scythe, and been heaped with cordwood till they were like hide and metal; white straggling beard and red watery eyes, which, to me, were always hung with an intangible veil of mystery though that, maybe, was my boyish fancy.

I crushed myself once for all, for ever.... But it was the devil that killed that old woman, not I. Enough, enough, Sonia, enough! Let me be!" he cried in a sudden spasm of agony, "let me be!" He leaned his elbows on his knees and squeezed his head in his hands as in a vise. "What suffering!" A wail of anguish broke from Sonia.

"Because I must!" said Betty with terror in her voice. "They're coming! Listen! Oh, help me quick! I can't wait to explain!" Betty dashed out of the gate and would have started up the street but that a strong young arm came out like a flash and a firm young fist gripped her arm like a vise.

It is difficult to brace a new heavy bow and one will require assistance. In the absence of help he can place it in the vise, one of those revolving on a pivot, and having the string properly adjusted on the lower limb, pull on the upper end in such a way that the other presses against the wall or a stationary brace, thus bending the bow while you slip the expectant loop over the open nock.

"Vat ansair shall I bear to Mr. Bainrothe from his vard?" asked the Mercury of my Jove, clasping his costumed hands together, then dropping them meekly before him. "I vait de reply of Miss Monfort vid patience. Dere is pen, and ink, and papair, I perceive, on dat table. Be good enough to write at once your reply to de vise conditions of your excellent guardian." "You know them, then?"

I brought the back volumes from Madras to Pekin, and am glad to refer to them here where I must depend upon myself. I have been building and repairing premises since I came here last year. I find the carpenters and masons are very much delighted with our tools, especially our saws, planes, borers, vise, and hammers. Our lathe is a wonder.

He turned deathly pale, went up to her, and placed his hand like an iron vise about her arm. “I shall permit you to waste my money; I shall not object if you fritter your time away in the company of good-for-nothing people; if you regard my health and peace of mind as of no consequence whatever, I shall say nothing; if you let your poor little child suffer and pine away, I shall keep quiet.

The first fighting of any severity in Belgium occurred at Visé, near the frontier, early in the German advance. German troops crossed the frontier in motors, followed by large bodies of cavalry, but the Belgians put up a stubborn resistance. The chiefs of the Belgian staff had foreseen the invasion and had blown up the bridges of the River Meuse outside the town, as well as the railway tunnels.

"Where are you going?" she asked and the slim, jewelled fingers closed down on his hand like a vise. "Let me go!" muttered Rimrock, as he struggled against her; but she jerked him back to her side. "Don't you dare to humiliate me!" she hissed into his ear, "don't you dare to leave me for her!" "It's Mary!" mumbled Rimrock without taking his eyes from her and Mrs. Hardesty tightened her grasp.

The Irishman grunted again and made a frantic struggle to twist his body around, but the wedging bodies on either side held him in a vise. "I'll break yer ugly face for yeh in a minute," he announced in wrath-thick tones. Then his own face underwent transformation. The snarl left the lips, and the angry eyes grew genial. "An' sure an' it's yerself," he said.