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"Then there's this one," she went on, "'Mia piccirella, deh, vieni allo mare! Do you want to hear me sing it like Miss Felixson, together with her dog, which always bursts out howling before she's done? I've heard them three times, and can do the couple of them to a T." "Please don't!" he hurriedly requested.

On the other hand, one is not jealous of the Cross; and she knows that I should not come to see her if I had not been faithful." "And you have spoken " "For what do you take me? I have never spoken to her more than once in the garden, or at a less distance than ten braccia except when I touched her hand. Also I used to say Vieni! and she came; but no more."

"Don Francis would never say Vieni!" said Virginia with a snap, looking up quickly. "Then the lady would never come," said Ercole. I was silent, condemning in my heart what my wits could not gainsay. Ercole saw his Donna Domenica again. She passed with the returning procession, and again looked full and mournful knowledge on her lover.

Finally the conjecture as to the origin of her name, recorded by Sansovino, will be accepted willingly by all who love Venice: "Fu interpretato da alcuni, che questa voce VENETIA voglia dire VENI ETIAM, cioè, vieni ancora, e ancora, percioche quante volte verrai, sempre vedrai nuove cose, enuove bellezze."

I went away before she did; so the thing was clear. After that I called my Vieni every night, and every night she came. Sir, you saw how fine she was, with a face of dawn, and great eyes, and the mournful air of a saint in the sky. There never was such a good love as ours in the world, since the days of Antonio and Cleopatra of blessed memory.

But the extreme carelessness with which Marx cites his authorities is worthy of notice; here are a few examples. Vol. I. p. 13. Here we find the well-known anecdote of Beethoven's playing several variations upon Righini's air, "Vieni Amore," from memory, and improvising others, before the Abbe Sterkel.

"But let us get off, or we shall be meeting her on the doorstep." "'Vieni pensando a me segretamente," hummed Gruzin. At last they drove off: Orlov did not sleep at home, and returned next day at dinner-time. Zinaida Fyodorovna had lost her gold watch, a present from her father. This loss surprised and alarmed her.

Now, when I knew beyond all question the state of her feelings, I borrowed Guido's guitar, and struck one chord upon it at night under her window, and sang but one word Vieni! In three minutes she came on to the balcony, and we looked at each other. There was a moon, and we could see quite well. We stood looking like that for five minutes without a syllable spoken, and then I went away.

It is strange that so trivial an occupation should have consoled, and even enlivened me. But grief renders one childish, despair fantastic. To this simple inscription, I merely added the adjuration, "Friend, come! I wait for thee! Deh, vieni! ti aspetto!" On the following morning, with something like hope for my companion, I quitted Forli on my way to Rome.

Then the libertine, in the habit of his valet, serenades his new charmer. The song, "Deh vieni alla finestra," is of melting tenderness and gallantry; words and music float graciously on the evening air in company with a delightfully piquant tune picked out on a mandolin.