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"I don't think nothin' about it," returned Martin, solemnly, turning over the quid of tobacco that bulged his cheek; "but if I might ventur' for to give an opinion, I should say it don't much matter what it is, one way or another." "That's true, Isaac," said Christian, with a short laugh, as he resumed his march up the cliff.

And Josiah not havin' anything to do evenin's only to set and look at the ceilin'. Every single night when I would go home from the meetin' house, Josiah would tackle me on it, on the danger of allowin' wimmen to ventur out of her spear in Meetin' House matters, and specially the Conference. It begin to set in New York the very day we tackled the meetin' in Jonesville with a extra grip.

Now, the nearest route to the place of her destination lay across a five-acre lot. The snow lay deep upon the ground, but the outer surface had become so hard as, without difficulty, to bear a person of ordinary weight. When Mrs. Payson came up to the bars, she said to herself, "'Tain't so fur to go across lots. I guess I'll ventur'."

While I was pondering upon what was best to be done, Jupiter's voice was again heard. "Mos' feerd for to ventur' 'pon dis limb berry far 'tis dead limb putty much all de way." "Did you say it was a dead limb, Jupiter?" cried Legrand, in a quavering voice. "Yes, massa, him dead as de door-nail done up for sartain done departed dis here life."

It ain't recorded in ancient history what Eve said when Adam presented her wi' the little testimonial of his affection, but if I might ventur' a guess I should opine that she said `puckery." "H'm! Dey ain't a tight fit," observed Ebony. "I's ob opinion dat your corns are quite safe in 'em."

While I was pondering upon what was best to be done, Jupiter's voice was again heard. "Mos feerd for to ventur pon dis limb berry far tis dead limb putty much all de way." "Did you say it was a dead limb, Jupiter?" cried Legrand in a quavering voice. "Yes, massa, him dead as de door-nail done up for sartain done departed dis here life."

The negro, who, although comparatively short of stature, was Herculean in build, looked at the youth with an amused expression. "You're bery good, sar, but dat's not what I's t'inkin' ob. I's t'inkin' whedder I dar' ventur' to introdoce you to my massa. He's not fond o' company, an' it might make 'im angry, but he came by a heaby loss lately an' p'raps he may cond'send to receibe you.

"I haf said you might haf it for dat money, and vhat I haf said once might always be." "I will take it, then. I almost wish you had asked eight, though four dollars saved is suthin' for a poor man. It's so plaguy cheap I'm a little afraid on 't; but I'll ventur'. There; there's your money, and in hard cash." "Dank you, sir. Won't das ladies choose to look at my drinkets?"

"I wonder what our friends at Whitstable will say to this ventur' of ours," said Maxwell. "Have you many friends there?" asked Edgar. "Many? of course I has. W'y, I suppose every English diver must have friends there." "Where is it?" asked Edgar. "Why, sir, don't you know Whitstable?" exclaimed Joe Baldwin, in surprise.

"This be an onsartin ventur', Henry," cried the trapper, shouting to his comrade from the smoke that now made it impossible for the young man, even at only the boat's length, to see his person. "This be an onsartin ventur', and the Lord only knows how it will eend. Ye know the waters as well as I do; and ye know the p'ints where things must be did right.