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And then another idea came to us that wasn't half bad. You said you were Mr. Laurence Varney of New York. Well, whether that was true or not begging your pardon, of course! that gave it a New York interest, don't you see? So Mr. Smith, more by way of a feeler than anything else, wired it off to the Daily " "Why," interrupted Varney, "I thought you were the correspondent of the Daily?" "So I am.

He broke off and looked at those of the faces which had been turned his way. His thought was plain to read, at least for those who understood recent local conditions. Hap Smith had been driving the stage over the mountains for only something less than three weeks; which is to say since the violent taking off of his predecessor, Bill Varney.

"Forgot an engagement." "You mean remembered one," said Peter. "It all figures out to the same answer," said Townes; and glancing presently at his watch, he announced that he must be trotting on. "But I've ordered something for you, man." "Varney can use it, can't he?" The door opened, and the tallish young man stood on the threshold again, this time social and affable.

"Damn the bird! Hold your tongues!" cried Gabriel Varney, reluctantly giving way, but still eying the bird with the scientific regret with which the illustrious Majendie might contemplate a dog which some brute of a master refused to disembowel for the good of the colics of mankind. The model seized on the cage, shut the door of the wires, and carried it off.

"Damn the bird! Hold your tongues!" cried Gabriel Varney, reluctantly giving way, but still eying the bird with the scientific regret with which the illustrious Majendie might contemplate a dog which some brute of a master refused to disembowel for the good of the colics of mankind. The model seized on the cage, shut the door of the wires, and carried it off.

"I regret," said Henry, "that you have such an impression; but, while I do so, I cannot help admitting that it is, to a considerable extent, no more than a reasonable one; and perhaps, after all, my expectation that Varney will give us no more trouble, only amounts to a hope that he will not do so, and nothing more.

Leicester stood displeased, yet undetermined, and too conscious of the weakness of his cause; while Varney, with a deep and hypocritical affectation of sorrow, mingled with humility, bent his eyes on the ground.

But Varney was taken on the spot; and instead of expressing compunction for what he had done, seemed to take a fiendish pleasure in pointing out to them the remains of the murdered Countess, while at the same time he defied them to show that he had any share in her death.

"Were the lady to attempt an escape over it," said Varney, to his accomplice Foster, who held the house by Varney's favour, "her weight would carry her down." "A mouse's weight would do it," Foster answered. "Why, then, she die in attempting her escape, and what could you or I help it? Let us, to bed; we will adjust our project to-morrow."

"By heavens, it is so!" he exclaimed, stepping back and looking at Varney from top to toe in horror and amazement. "D e," said the admiral, "if I understand this. Why Jack Pringle, you dog, here's a strange fish." "On, no! there's plenty on 'um in some countries." "Will you insist upon another fire, or may I consider you satisfied?" "I shall object," said Marchdale.