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"You have summarized with the modesty of a tyrant and a czar," she replied as her eyes suddenly broke into an unexpected fire and her uptilted chin set itself defiantly, "the many favors that your hand of self-made royalty has conferred upon your suppliant family." Her musical voice took on a deeper thrill.

"From the asylum, ma'am," she said faintly, holding out the note. Mrs. Wentworth's eyes shone. "Oh, the children! Where are they, Hannah?" "In the parlor, ma'am." "The parlor? Why, Hannah, the parlor is no place for those two children!" Mrs. Wentworth started toward the door. Hannah coughed and uptilted her chin. "They ain't two, ma'am. There's as much as half a dozen of 'em." "What!"

It was strange aye, monstrous strange, and a right good jest for fate to laugh at that I, Gaston de Luynes, vile ruffler and worthless spadassin, should have come to such a pass; I, whose forefinger had for the past ten years uptilted the chin of every tavern wench I had chanced upon; I, whose lips had never known the touch of other than the lips of these; I, who had thought my heart long dead to tenderness and devotion, or to any fondness save the animal one for my ignoble self.

Then her self-possession returned in a flash of exasperation, but she controlled that, too, and laughed defiantly, confronting him with pretty, insolent face uptilted. "What do you want to know about me? That I'm in the way of being ultimately damned like all the rest of you?" she said. "Well, I am. I'm taking chances.

More than one window curtain moved suspiciously, suggesting a hidden but watchful presence, when the glittering vehicle stopped before the gate of number 67; and the lady at number 68 seized an evidently rare opportunity to come out and polish her letter-box. Of Mollie's disdainful face, with its slightly uptilted nose, she had no more than a glimpse.

Now he smiled a trifle wryly into her insolently uptilted face, without attempting to answer the question. And during the next dance with Barbara he unburdened himself, rather positively for him, of his distaste for her. The pronounced frown, however, remained even longer upon his countenance. But that one moment had served where everything else might have failed.

Where peneplains have been uplifted to great height and have since been well dissected, and where they have been upfolded and broken and uptilted, their recognition becomes more difficult. THE SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN REGION. We have here an example of an area the latter part of whose geological history may be deciphered by means of its land forms.

She lay at full length, her uptilted face in her hands, and her perfect feet raised now and then in unaware accentuation of her words. "What Tahitian women there were then! Read the old French writers! None was a pigmy. When they stood under the waterfall the water ran off their skins as off a marble table. Not a drop stayed on. They were as smooth as glass." Fragrance of the Jasmine sighed.

They were carried upward on the crest of a wave that seemed about to drop them down an unbelievable depth to a jagged rock. But at this point, another wave seized them and hurled them sidewise, half rolled them over, then uptilted them until the Ida's nose was deep in the water. They bailed like mad but to little avail for the waves broke over the sides constantly.

April, 1895, the Truxton, of which Andrew was cook, found herself becalmed in the China Sea, midway between Manila and Hong Kong, her nose to the North. She was a smart clipper of sixty tons burden, with a slightly uptilted stern, and as clever a line forward as a pleasure yacht.