United States or Guernsey ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I would advise the young people who read these lines, and older folks also, if this is your style of reading, to stop right where you are. Get some good books there are plenty of them and don't fill your mind with stuff that only unfits you for the real life of the years to come. I was getting tired of school and wanted to go to work. I had a good Christian man for my Sunday-school teacher, Mr.

"I've told you before, dearest. It's genius, I think. "Genius! But what use is it to me, if it is? It only unfits me for life. It eats me up, it destroys me!" "Some day," he said, "you will find a way to express it. It will come, never fear. But now, dear, be sensible. The ground is wet, and if you sit there, you will surely be laid up with rheumatism."

Its pathos unfits it for an ordinary drawing-room, but as the music at Mr Palmer's was not of the common kind, The Three Ravens was put on the list for that night. 'She was dead herself ere evensong time. With a down, hey down, hey down, God send every gentleman Such hawks, such hounds, and such a leman. With down, hey down, hey down.

The influences of pure nature seem to be so little known as yet, that it is generally supposed that complete pleasure of this kind, permeating one's very flesh and bones, unfits the student for scientific pursuits in which cool judgment and observation are required. But the effect is just the opposite.

This person commits a sin in his childhood, utters words of blasphemy, the remembrance of which, in after life, preying upon his imagination, unfits him for quiet pursuits, to which he seems to have been naturally inclined; but for the remembrance of that sin, he would have been Peter Williams the quiet and respectable Welsh farmer, somewhat fond of reading the ancient literature of his country in winter evenings, after his work was done.

Our witnesses are so aged, and many so remote, that they will not be in till Monday, so that, at this rate, we shall eke out the whole of next week. I have at no time been so completely out of patience; just now particularly, being a little churlish with my headache, which, though not very severe, unfits me for any thing but writing to you.

Montigny and Tabary dumbly demanded a share of the booty, which the monk silently promised as he passed the little bag into the bosom of his gown. In many ways an artistic nature unfits a man for practical existence. No sooner had the theft been accomplished than Villon shook himself, jumped to his feet, and began helping to scatter and extinguish the embers.

'Learning without money is anything but desirable, said the Armenian, 'as it unfits a man for humble occupations.

She found herself in the ghastly torture-hall, at a desk on which lay sheets of paper, not whiter than her face. Somebody gave her a scroll, stereotyped in imitation of manuscript the questions to be answered. For a quarter of an hour she could not understand a word. She saw the face of Samuel Barmby, and heard his tones 'The delicacy of a young lady's nervous system unfits her for such a strain.

"A cynical habit of thought and speech, a readiness to criticise work which the critic himself never tries to perform, an intellectual aloofness which will not accept contact with life's realities all these are marks, not, as the possessor would fain think, of superiority, but of weakness.... It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.... Shame on the man of cultivated taste who permits refinement to develop into a fastidiousness that unfits him for doing the rough work of a workaday world.