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An expensive array of baths is necessary; so are well-trained bath servants, and an experienced medical man to watch the process of cure: the mode of life does not suit the arrangements of a family, and the listlessness of mind attendant on the water-system quite unfits a man for any active employment.

But the very fact which most unfits such bodies for a council of legislation, qualifies them the more for their other office namely, that they are not a selection of the greatest political minds in the country, from whose opinions little could with certainty be inferred concerning those of the nation, but are, when properly constituted, a fair sample of every grade of intellect among the people which is at all entitled to a voice in public affairs.

They give me such a feeling of the other world as kind of unfits me for my work." Whereupon Donald let me go. As I fled along the lane I watched him holding the thing still in his hand, and I feared even yet lest it might slip its leash. But I have been thankful ever since that Donald did not ask me which other world I meant. "By That SAME TOKEN"

The empress was about to make an angry rejoinder to this remark, when the door opened, and Van Swieten reappeared. "Ah!" said the empress, "did you see her, Van Swieten?" "Yes, your majesty," replied Van Swieten, with emphasis, "I have seen the Queen of Rome." "Do you mean to say that she has no disease that unfits her to be the wife of the King of Rome?" asked Maria Theresa.

"What I was singing when you came in wept itself out of the fulness of my heart," responded Rosabella. "This dreadful news of Tulee and the baby unfits me for anything. Do you think there is no hope it may prove untrue?" "You know the letter explicitly states that my cousin and his wife, the negro woman, and the white baby, all died of yellow-fever," replied Madame.

"There is society enough of a harmless kind here," spoke up Lady Theobald virtuously. "I do not approve of a round of gayeties for young people: it unfits them for the duties of life." But Capt. Barold was not as favorably impressed by these remarks as might have been anticipated. "What an old fool she is!" was his polite inward comment.

Well, Anne, you've done real well at Queen's I must say. To take First Class License in one year and win the Avery scholarship well, well, Mrs. Lynde says pride goes before a fall and she doesn't believe in the higher education of women at all; she says it unfits them for woman's true sphere. I don't believe a word of it.

"My dear, we are quite round the corner of the lane. The example would be too shocking." "Now don't you make any excuses, papa. Only one woman can have seen us yet; and she is so blind she will think it was her fault. May I go? Quick, before any one else comes." "If you are quite sure, Janetta, of being in a frame of mind which unfits you for the worship of your Maker "

When you want punctuality in your letters, I am sure you want it in every thing; for you will constantly observe that you have the most leisure when you do the most business. Negligence of one's duty produces a self-dissatisfaction which unfits the mind for every thing, and ennui and peevishness are the never-failing consequences.

Certainly there can be no better summary of the savage than this, which, as we have seen, unfits him for the duel. He is the man who cannot love no, nor even hate his neighbor as himself. But this quality in Prussia does have one effect which has reference to the same question of the lower civilizations. It disposes once and for all at least of the civilizing mission of Germany.