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"There is an extraordinary excitement about Paris," he wrote. "A levity. I suspect the gypsum in the subsoil some as yet undescribed radiations. Suddenly the world looks brightly cynical.... None of those tear-compelling German emanations.... "And, Benham, I have found a friend. "A woman. Of course you will laugh, you will sneer. You do not understand these things.... Yet they are so simple.

As for myself, I should scarcely know where to begin if I set to work to describe my doings, so I had best leave them undescribed, and content myself with saying that, on the whole, I am getting on very well in my curious position of King-Consort better, indeed, than I had any right to expect. But, of course, it is not all plain sailing, and I find the responsibilities very heavy.

I am making collections and minute descriptions of whatever I can obtain; and intend at some future time to transmit them to Europe." "MUDNABATI, 26th November 1796. I observed in a former letter that the beasts have been in general described, but that the undescribed birds were surprisingly numerous; and, in fact, new species are still frequently coming under my notice.

These injuries were a fearful spectacle, but are better left undescribed. So, against expectation, my acquaintance was the victor. The third duel was brief and bloody. The surgeon stopped it when he saw that one of the men had received such bad wounds that he could not fight longer without endangering his life.

It chanced to be the months of October when our hunters arrived at this part of the Himalayas; and having reached the region of the larger oak-forests, they commenced their search accordingly. They were extremely desirous of success; knowing how much their father would be gratified at obtaining the skin of this black bear, which being an undescribed variety, might be considered an "extra" one.

G.B. Sowerby, and have been described by him: they consist of two species of Producta, and of six of Spirifera; two of these, namely, P. rugata and S. rotundata, resemble, as far as their imperfect condition allows of comparison, British mountain-limestone shells. Mr. Lonsdale has had the kindness to examine the corals; they consist of six undescribed species, belonging to three genera.

A deep Spanish saddle of stamped leather; holsters with bearskin covers in front; a scarlet blanket, folded and strapped on the croup; lazo and haversack hanging from the "horn" voila tout! There are two characters still undescribed. Characters of no mean importance were they the "guides." They were called respectively, Isaac Bradley and Mark Redwood.

After being arrayed in the fashion just mentioned, and having gone through a good deal of feasting, husband and wife are led off to the nuptial-chamber. Here, numerous straw puppets, which had better be left undescribed, are placed, with a certain implication, which need not be explained.

'Dull streams Flow flagging in the undescribed deep fourms Of creatures born the first of all, long dead'. #Fourm#, explained as a 'hare's lurking place', commonly called form, widely used and understood because the lair has the shape or form of the animal that lay in it. But perhaps it was originally only the animal's seat or form, as we use the word in schools.

Of Crustacea there were many strange and undescribed genera. The penultimate joint, instead of terminating in a simple claw, ends in three bristle-like appendages of dissimilar lengths the longest equalling that of the entire leg.