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It is for you, Lord, to say which of these two alternatives shall be adopted." "Very well, Umu," said Escombe, "I have already quite made up my mind. I will not remain here to force upon the people laws and ordinances which are unacceptable to them; therefore issue your proclamation as soon as you please, and I will make arrangements to leave forthwith.

"I I Lord, I knew not that it was no part of my duty to " stammered the wretched steward, as too late he began to realise the terrible nature of the predicament in which he had placed himself by his too great fidelity to his master. "It is enough," interrupted Umu. "Bind him hand and foot; lay him upon that pile yonder; and set fire to it.

I sprang from my bed, washed my hands and face, and hastened to the faré umu, the kitchen in a grove of pandanus trees, a few steps away. There from a pile of cocoanut husks and bits of jetsam I selected fuel, which I placed between a group of coral rocks on which were several iron bars. I lit the fire, and put into a pot three tablespoonfuls of finely ground coffee and two cups of fresh water.

She made up her mind to get even with her false tane, and to hurt him the worst way possible. She hurried to his spring by their home in Arue, and caught his pet eel, Faaraianuu, who was sunning himself on the surface. She slashed him with her knife of pearl shell, and baked him in an umu. She ate his tail at once and put the remainder of the eel in a calabash.

When the cortège had passed once, the priest said, "Fariu! Return!" and, their eyes fixed on vacancy, six times the throng were led by him forward and back over the umu. A woman who looked down and stumbled, left the ranks, and cried out that her leg was burned. She had an injury that was weeks in curing.

Every eye in the building was instantly turned upon this fair vision as the congregation rose en masse, and a loud gasp of what sounded very much like dismay drew Escombe's attention to Umu, who distinctly staggered as he rose to his feet, while his face went a sickly, yellowish-white, and the perspiration poured from his forehead like rain.

He left the house alone last night, less than an hour before midnight, saying that he knew not when he should return; and he has not since been seen." "Then, if he told you that he knew not when he would return, why do you fear that evil has befallen him?" demanded Umu.

Surely they had nothing to do with the conspiracy?" Whereupon Umu, by way of reply, proceeded to recount to his royal master the whole history of the affair, so far as he had learned it.

Accompanied by Umu, Harry now rode to the right flank of the regiment, from whence he proceeded slowly along the front rank and finally the rear, noting critically the appearance and bearing of the men, and gauging the breed and quality of the horses as he went.

Why was he afraid to wake them to-night when always they ate the fish with their parents the fish just from the sea and golden from the umu? Had the love of their father been so soon lost to them, as under the foul breath of a demon that may have wandered about their home? "Taua eats and enjoys his meal, but Rehua is distracted.