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We were in hopes they would look upon our boat as flotsam and jetsam, of which there was more or less strewn upon the beach. To our great relief, the cruiser passed us, and when she was two miles or more to the southward we ventured out and approached the boat, but the sharp lookout saw us, and, to our astonishment, the steamer came swinging about, and headed up the coast.

On the bed was a large box of tinselled Christmas-tree decorations and another of pink-and-white popcorn the flotsam and jetsam of which strewed the counterpane and the floor to its farthest corners, mingled with scraps of glittering paper, an acreage of which surrounded a table in the centre of the room that was adorned with mucilage pot and scissors.

The index figures 1, 2, and 3 prefixed to the name of the author indicate that his work has been included in the Rolls of Honor for 1914, 1915, and 1916 respectively. *In the Way of Business. *Packet, The. *Them Others. *Escape, The. *Little Town, The. *Powers of the Air. *Warrior's Soul, The. *Feather-bed, The. *How the Gods Avenged Meoul Ki Ning. *Defeat. Flotsam and Jetsam. Juryman, The.

No, his brain did not reel on the verge of madness; it merely accepted under the compulsion of knowledge a truth of those truths that are too profound to admit of mere external proof. For our reason plays at the edge of the universe as a little child plays at the edge of the sea, gathering from its fringes the flotsam and jetsam of its mighty life.

Among the interlacing roots seaweed, sodden driftwood and leaves lodge, sand collects, and as the level of the floor of the ocean is raised the sea retires, contributing by the flotsam and jetsam of each spring-tide to its own inevitable conquest. Not to one plant alone is the victory to be ascribed.

We may try to prevent the oncoming tide of the economic independence of women, but it will not be possible to force the business world to accept permanently the service of the inefficient in place of that of the alert and intelligent. To carry on the economic life of a nation with its labor flotsam and jetsam is loss at any time; in time of storm and stress it is suicide.

A fierce revulsion seized him as he pictured to himself the scene upon which the morning sun would look the kennels red with blood, the horrors huddled in every corner, all the dreadful jetsam cast up by the ensanguined tide of war. Of necessity, perhaps, must such things be the endurance of a lesser evil that the greater wrong might be forever blotted out. And yet his heart was heavy.

When, by rights of flotsam and jetsam and gift and trover, she became the proud possessor of her little yellow boat, the day rarely passed without her flitting across to spend part of it at Beaumanoir or Belfontaine, unless the weather bottled her up on Brecqhou.

There was a line all down the sands where the tide had reached, a straggling uneven line marked with huge masses of wet seaweeds, fragments of timber, the flotsam and jetsam of the sea. The creek where the man's body was lying was forty yards above this.

Land is always near, and the flotsam and jetsam, do they not supply that smack of excitement if not the boisterous hope bereft of which life might seem "always afternoon?" These chronicles are toned from first to last by perceptions which came to the Beachcomber perceptions which lead, mayhap, to a subdued and sober estimate of the purpose and bearing of the pilgrimage of life.