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Even as Clint's informant ended there came a burst of handclapping and Harry Westcott, who was umpiring, announced: "The games are 5 3. Holt leads." Amy had the service and secured two aces at once, Holt returning twice into the net. Then a double fault put the score 30 15. Holt got the next service and lobbed. Amy ran up and smashed it safe into the further corner of the court.

It is but matter-of-course wisdom, then, that I should begin to set my worldly house in order now, so that it may be done calmly and with thoroughness, in place of waiting until the last day, when, as we have often seen, the attempt to set both houses in order at the same time has been marred by the necessity for haste and by the confusion and waste of time arising from the inability of the notary and the ecclesiastic to work together harmoniously, taking turn about and giving each other friendly assistance not perhaps in fielding, which could hardly be expected, but at least in the minor offices of keeping game and umpiring; by consequence of which conflict of interests and absence of harmonious action a draw has frequently resulted where this ill-fortune could not have happened if the houses had been set in order one at a time and hurry avoided by beginning in season, and giving to each the amount of time fairly and justly proper to it.

"I'm not umpiring this game for fun, but because you you asked me to." "I didn't suppose you were another of Sparkfair's sycophants!" flung back Featherstone. "You're as crooked as your mouth!" An instant later, had not Sparkfair and others held them apart, Kilgore would have struck Featherstone. "Stop where you are, both of you!" commanded Dale sternly.

Princeman, his confidence loftily unshaken, gave a correct imitation of a pretzel and delivered the ball. The batsman swung viciously at it. Spat! It landed in Sam's glove. "Strike one!" called the strident voice of Blackrock, who, jerking himself back several years into youth again, was umpiring the game with great joy. Nonchalantly Sam snapped the ball back over-hand.

"While umpiring a game between Michigan and Ohio State, at Columbus," he says, "Heston, Michigan's fullback, carrying the ball, broke through the line, was tackled and thrown; recovered his feet, started again, was tackled and thrown again, threw off his tacklers only to be thrown again. Again he broke away. All this time I was backing up in front of the play.

At this point, in my despair, I said to Mr. Chipp, who was umpiring the match, "What can I do?" His grim answer was, "Play better, I should think." I then fully realized that I had not been playing my best game, and that to win I must hit harder.

Truxton King, stalwart and lazy, lounged on the turf, umpiring the game, attended by two pretty young girls, a lieutenant in flannels and the ceremonious Count Quinnox, iron grey and gaunt-faced battleman with the sabre scars on his cheek and the bullet wound in his side. "Good work, Rainie," shouted the umpire as his wife safely placed the ball far out of her opponent's reach.

But it was not of the first importance, and Willoughby might have survived had it been deprived of the pleasure of witnessing it. But the pleasure of witnessing old Wyndham umpiring for the old school in the very Big where his own mighty victories had been achieved, was quite another matter; and in honour of this event it was that Willoughby turned out in a body and watched the Templeton match.

One is by being punctual and ready dressed to play when wanted, and another is by umpiring when they are disengaged and have not an important match just coming on. "Taking the chair" may help them not to dispute an umpire's decision when they are in court themselves. They will realize how difficult umpiring is, and that bad as umpires often are they are doing their best.

Hiram Bemis stood forth to the plate and waited until Dunnerwurst had pitched four balls. The bases were filled, and Hans began to growl at Kilgore. "Vere did der umpiring efer learn you?" he demanded. "Gol ding it!" shouted Ephraim Gallup from the field. "Yeou didn't git one of them balls within four feet of the pan! Yeou can't pitch! Yeou never could!