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Updated: August 20, 2024

Gibbon wrote to Garrick from Paris on Aug. 14: 'At this time of year the society of the Turk's-head can no longer be addressed as a corporate body, and most of the individual members are probably dispersed: Adam Smith in Scotland; Burke in the shades of Beaconsfield; Fox, the Lord or the devil knows where, etc. Be so good as to salute in my name those friends who may fall in your way.

I could point a rope, work a Turk's-head, or turn in an eye, as well as many an A.B. Not content with this, he built me a model of a ship, with her rigging complete. He then set to work to teach me the names of every rope and spar; and when I knew them and their uses, he unrigged the ship and made me rig her again under his inspection. This I did several times, till he considered I was perfect.

Dick was all for sweeping away other cobwebs; but he certainly thought heaven and earth coming together when he saw a great Turk's-head besom poked up at his own. Mr. Avenel, in his genius for speculation and improvement, had established a factory at Screwstown, the first which had ever eclipsed the church spire with its Titanic chimney. It succeeded well at first. Mr.

That sable globe, rounded like a sea-hedgehog, or a Turk's-head clew, and black as a tarred tackle-block, could be nothing else than the woolly pate of Snowball, the sea-cook! A little beyond were two other objects of dark colour and founded shape; but neither so dark nor so round as that already identified. They must be the heads of the English sailor and Lilly Lalee.

Had a well-bred and titled fool been admitted into the Turk's-Head Club, he might have been the butt of good-natured irony; but he would have been endured, since gentlemen must live with gentlemen and scholars with scholars, and the rivalries which alienate are not so destructive as the grossness which repels.

When I was small I used to have a great idea of going out there to the rocks at low water and trying to find some gold, but I never made out no great." And he smiled indulgently at the thought of his youthful dream. "Kate," said I, "do you see what beauties these Turk's-head knots are?"

So Arthur told her some awful stones about whipping blacks to death, and declared West Indian families were very apt to be haunted; but that it was a subject never to be mentioned to mamma nor my aunt. 'And having paved the way, we treated her to the Turk's-head, concluded Arthur.

So, armed with the turk's-head brush, the policeman ascended Mrs. Gammer's small, steep staircase. When he reached her bedroom, he poked into every cranny and corner with the handle of his brush. But no cock was to be found. He descended the stairs, and stood again in the little kitchen. A savory smell of cooking arose from a stew-pan on the fire. "Where's the critter gone to?" he demanded.

"You can look round the house for the cock now if you like," she said contemptuously, slapping down the order upon the table, "and you can see if you can find him." "Is he still on the top of your tester-bed?" demanded the policeman. "Go and look," responded Mrs. Gammer, with a snort. "You can take the turk's-head brush and brush him down!"

"And perhaps I know more about a ship than you think of." "You! what should you know about a ship, I should like to know?" exclaimed the midshipman, contemptuously. "Why, I know how to gammon a bowsprit," I replied, looking at him very hard. "I can work a Turk's-head, make a lizard, or mouse a stay can't I, Larry?" I asked, turning to the old sailor.

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