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DON PEDRO. ¡ quedarte soltera! ¡Jesús qué desatino! Primero te casaría con un bajá de tres colas, cuanto más que el Sr. D. Eduardo es muy buen partido por todos títulos.... DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Qué dice usted? DON PEDRO. De familia muy noble.... DOÑA MATILDE. Eso para es tan indiferente como el que fuera inclusero. Para no. DON PEDRO. Y que será muy rico cuando herede a su tío....

The situation was now both disciplinary and diplomatic. "C'est tres serieux," whispered the secretary to the governor's private secretary, a dapper little man whose flirting had made his wife a Niobe and alarmed the husbands and fathers of many French dames et filles.

The other towns, all of recent foundation, are Matanzas, a fishing village on the edge of a cacao district on the northeast coast, and three villages named after heroes of the War of Restoration: Cabrera on the coast at Tres Amarras point; Castillo, 8 miles west of Rivas; and Pimentel, formerly called Barbero, a station on the Samana-Santiago Railroad and the center of an important cacao zone.

We were received by a smart divine, très bien poudré, and with black satin breeches but they are giving new wings and red satin breeches to the good old hostel too, and destroying a gallery with a very rich ceiling; and nothing will remain of ancient but the front, and an hundred mouldy portraits, among apostles, sibyls, and Kings of England.

You vill sure have grand plaisir to see un fandango Mexicain?" "Not I, Gode. My countrymen are not so fond of dancing as yours." "C'est vrai, monsieur; but von fandango is tres curieux. You sall see ver many sort of de pas. Bolero, et valse, wis de Coona, and ver many more pas, all mix up in von puchero.

It is a little something in my life I confess it quelque chose de tres joli and I will not spoil it. So let us be good friends, frank and loyal without any Scudery." She looked at him with eyes that had lost their languor a sweet woman's eyes, a little moist, very true. "And now," she said, "will you be so kind as to put a log on the fire."

Heliers; that she would rather see Ranulph a master ship-builder than a babbling ecrivain in the Rue des Tres Pigeons, a smirking leech, or a penniless seigneur with neither trade nor talent. Guida was attracted to Ranulph through his occupation, for she loved strength, she loved all clean and wholesome trades; that of the mason, of the carpenter, of the blacksmith, and most of the ship-builder.

From the Cape das Palmas, to the Cape Tres puntas, there are 100. leagues: and to the port where we purpose to make sales of our cloth beyond the Cape Tres puntas, 40. leagues.

England, Scotland, Ireland, abreast, tres juncti in uno, united in thought, aim and action, was there aught upon earth, biped, quadruped, or mille-pied, that must not yield to the charge? If there was, it was not that animal oscillating along the saddle of sand, progressing from pommel to cantel, like the pendulum of a clock.

There they all are, the Intendant and the rest, sitting down to the tables. There was Capitaine Lancy, M'sieu' Cadet, M'sieu' Cournal, M'sieu' le Chevalier de Levis, and M'sieu' le Generale, le Marquis de Montcalm. I am astonish to see him there, the great General, in his grand coat of blue and gold and red, and laces tres beau at his throat, with a fine jewel.