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He came back and sat down without any change of expression, putting his cheroot in his mouth. "Tres cher, you are not courteous," he said wearily; "but it may be that you are right. I am not a good one for you to copy from in anything except the fit of my coats; I don't think I ever told you I was.

Cosmo Versal quieted the incipient outbreak of his jealous "speculative geniuses," and the discussion of his theory was continued for some time. At length De Beauxchamps, shrugging his shoulders, exclaimed, with a return of his habitual gayety: "Tres bien! Vive the world of Cosmo Versal! I salute the new Eve that is to come!"

"Yes, monsieur," said the maire gravely, as he glanced at a proclamation on the wall which he has added to his private collection of antiquities, "that is true. I have often been très fâché to think that I who won the Michelet prize at the Lycée should have put my name to that thing over there."

'Je vois tres noir actuellement'; I see swarms of Austrians, French, Imperialists, Swedes, and Russians, in all near four hundred thousand men, surrounding the King of Prussia and Prince Ferdinand, who have about a third of that number. Hitherto they have only buzzed, but now I fear they will sting.

The life of another day and time lived, however, beneath that shade; Charm and the cure, as they drooped over the canvas, confronted a graceful, attenuated courtier, sickening in a languor of adoration, and a sprightly coquette, whose porcelain beauty was as finished as the feathery edges of her lacy sleeves. "Tres bien tres bien" said the cure, nodding his head in critical commendation.

"Bon soir, Monsieur le Capitaine; c'est un brave Monsieur que celui-la, et de très bonne famille! Il n'a pas de si grandes terres, que Monsieur le Patteroon, pourtant, on dit, qu'il doit avoir de jolies maisons et assez de rentes publiques! J'aime

Let him attempt to translate for it is nothing but translation this simple statement into English. The perplexity which first seizes the hapless school-boy over his "Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres" is nothing to it. Like him, he must go hunting, as if for a needle in a haystack, for the word to put first. It is the last idea in his sign-sentence.

One rose up from among the twenty-four, and out of the dusk there came in reply to the Judge a squeaking voice: "We find the Prisoner at the Bar more Guilty than Innocent." A shudder ran through the court. But some one not in the room shuddered still more violently. From the gable window of a house in the Rue des Tres Pigeons, a girl had sat the livelong day, looking, looking into the court-room.

At the same time the "heavies" woke up, and the sound of the big shells grunting through the air above our heads and on towards the enemy who pursued us was très agréable. When we reached the village of Béthancourt we found two brigades of our divisional infantry already there.

The Government's denial of it can only be described as a quibble of the kind to which at times even British Governments stoop when faced by inconvenient questions in the House of Commons and, as we shall soon see, the gentlemen of the National Defence spent a tres mauvais quart d'heure as a result of the suppressio veri of which they were guilty.