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Each night for such as had ears, if not official ones, wood and thicket rang with the blows of entrenching tool on bole and sapling, till past the very door of Sergeant-Major sipping his rum, or company officers seated around sirloin and baked potatoes would be dragged trunk and branches of a voting tree, that in peace time and warmer weather might have lived to grace an avenue.

By using the Black Hundreds to work among the electors bribing, cajoling, threatening, and coercing, as the occasion might require it might be possible to bring about the election of a Duma which would be a pliant and ready tool of the government.

This ominous tool she presented to Miss Scatcherd with a respectful curtesy; then she quietly, and without being told, unloosed her pinafore, and the teacher instantly and sharply inflicted on her neck a dozen strokes with the bunch of twigs.

I directed him to hold the pine upright, while I, with a single stroke, sank the tool into the end of the wood. It split part way. A jerk, and the wood fell in two halves. "Well?" from Johnson, blankly. "Perfectly normal wood, apparently." I had to admit that it was impossible to distinguish the material which constituted the peculiar spot from that which surrounded it.

But I was mad, 'squire, mad to the heart, and became the willing tool of men not so mad, but more evil than I! God forbid, sir, that there should be more harm done." "Then why this assembly? Why do the villagers, and these ragged and savage fellows whom you have incorporated among you why do they lounge about idly, with arms in their hands, and faces that still seem bent on mischief?"

He tries the other end an edge or spike. That will do. Standing under the hatch, guided by the ladder to the position, and with a strong swinging, upward blow, the new tool is driven into the soft, fibrous and adhesive pine bottom of the box. On the principle on which your butler's practiced elbow draws the twisted screw sunk into the cobwebbed seal of your '48 port, he uncorks himself.

The small man in Europe is reflected to his contemporaries from a magnifying mirror, while even the great men in America can be imaged only in a diminishing one. If powers broaden with the breadth of opportunity, if Occasion be the mother of greatness and not its tool, the centralizing system of Europe should produce more eminent persons than our distributive one.

"Grow grow grow!" he said to the pincers, and at once they grew and extended until they reached from the raft to the prisoners. "What are you going to do now?" demanded Cap'n Bill, fearfully eyeing the pincers. "This magic tool will pull you up, roots and all, and land you on this raft," declared the Wizard. "Don't do it!" pleaded the sailor, with a shudder. "It would hurt us awfully."

With no tool but the stone-axe and the flint knife, with no weapon but the bow and arrow and spear, with no material for fish nets but root fibres, or for fish-hooks or needles but bone, and with no means of fire making save two dry sticks one wonders at the skill and patient endurance that rendered subsistence possible at all.

Little Pansie, on the other hand, perhaps scandalized at great-grandpapa's neglect of the prettiest plants in his garden, resolved to do her small utmost towards balancing his injustice; so with an old shingle, fallen from the roof, which she had appropriated as her agricultural tool, she began to dig about them, pulling up the weeds, as she saw grandpapa doing.