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Tolima raised his hands to his ears and nodded his head, then, at a sign from Jurand, he bowed and went out; the knight again turned to Zbyszko and said impressively: "There is enough in the treasury to satisfy the greatest greed and to ransom not one but a hundred captives. Remember!" But Zbyszko inquired: "And why are you giving me Spychow already?" "I give you more than Spychow, in the child."

Tolima and the priest Kaleb received the guests when they arrived in town. The news that the lord had arrived, and was brought back by pious people spread like lightning through the garrison.

When they reached the courtyard they halted, and the following whispered conversation ensued: "What now?" "We are not going. How then?" "He did not permit." "Leave vengeance with God. It is obvious that even his soul has undergone a change." It was so indeed. Those who remained were Father Kaleb and old Tolima.

When he was not engaged in prayer, as he was almost all day, or asleep, he wished to have her near him, and when she was not there, he yearned to hear her speak, and endeavored by all means in his power to call the attention of the priest and Tolima that he wished to have that delightful boy near him. She came often, because her tender heart sincerely pitied him.

There Tolima apparently held everything with an iron hand, for no sooner did they enter the forest of Spychow, than two armed men advanced against them. These, seeing that the newcomers were not soldiers, but a simple train, not only let them pass without questioning, but placed themselves in front to show the way, which was inaccessible to those unacquainted with the moats and marshes.

Very early on the following morning when Jagienka called again to see him, he showed his desire to see Hlawa and the prisoner. The prisoner was brought before him immediately from the dungeon. He was tightly bound with his hands crossed upon his chest. All, including Tolima, advanced toward the old man.

God protects the orphans! The Germans have also killed my father. But your beloved one is alive and will return. Grant this, O most merciful God! Grant this, O most holy and compassionate Mother!..." Then Father Kaleb suddenly knelt and with a solemn voice began to pray: "Lord have mercy upon us!" "Christ have mercy upon us!" immediately responded the Bohemian and Tolima.

"I will let you know if anything occurs. Even before we departed for Szczytno, two good young noblemen volunteered to start for the war. Tolima was unable to prevent it, because they are noblemen and come from Lenkawice. We shall now depart together and if anything occurs, one of them will be sent to you with the news." "May God reward you.

He did not say where he was going." "He did not say, eh?" "May be he told the priest Kaleb." "Hey! Mighty God, then we crossed each other on the road," he said, putting his hands on his ribs. But Tolima put his hand to the other ear: "What did you say, sir?" "Where is Father Kaleb?" "He is at the bedside of the old master." Call him, but stop ... I will go myself to see him."

It is true that you remain here, but perfectly secure. The name of Jurand I have learned in Szczytno, is still a terror to the Germans, and if they learn that he is now at Spychow they will be terrified at once." "We know that they will not dare to come here, because the swamps and old Tolima defend this place, but it will be hard to sit here without news."