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Meckisch also danced at home and sang "Tiddy, riddy, roi, toi, toi, toi, ta," varied by "Rom, pom, pom" and "Bim, bom" in a quaint melody to express his personal satisfaction with existence. He was a weazened little widower with a deep yellow complexion, prominent cheek bones, a hook nose and a scrubby, straggling little beard.

There were the Burschenschaften in Germany; the Union, and the "Aide toi et le ciel t'aidera," in France; the Order of the Hammer in Spain; the Carbonari in Italy; and the Hetairai in Greece. In Russia the young nobles followed the prevailing fashion. Secret societies were formed, and in December, 1825, an attempt was made to raise a military insurrection in St.

"Eh bien!" et ce disant il braquait un pistolet sur Lord Berkeley "je suis un de ces voleurs, et je suis seul; je vous demande la bourse ou la vie." "Chien couard," crie Lord Berkeley, "crois-tu donc me tromper? Est-ce que je ne vois pas tes complices cachés derrière toi?"

Rapidly the jealous woman ransacked the pocket-book; started to see, elegantly worked with gold threads, in the lining, the words, "SOUVIENS TOI DE TA GABRIELLE;" no other letters, save the two, of which Jasper had vouchsafed to her but the glimpse.

She had no remembrance of the young Arouet, to whom she had sworn to say only 'tu' and 'toi. Now she was grave and dignified, and 'Vous, monsieur, was on her fair lip. Thanks to the heraldry office, she had become the daughter of a distinguished Spaniard, blessed with at least seven ancestors. Phillis gave good dinners, had good wine, and the world overlooked her somewhat obscure lineage.

She began to play with some trinkets attached to his watch chain; a very small gold compass especially impressed her fancy by the trembling and flashing of its tiny needle, and she murmured, coaxingly: "Mo oule ca! Donnin ca a moin." He took all possible advantage of the situation, and replied at once: "Oui! mo va donnin toi ca si to di moin to laut nom."

So Madame de Morteyn took the papers, and the little postman doffed his cap again and trotted away, blue blouse fluttering and sabots echoing along the terrace pavement. "I am tired of chess," said the old vicomte; "would you mind reading the Gaulois?" "The politics, dear?" "Yes, the weekly summary if it won't bore you." "Tais toi! Écoute. This is dated July 3d. Shall I begin?" "Yes, Helen."

At the carriage door appeared the Mayor with his scarf round his waist, saluting me with this remark: "Sir, this place is but a hole, but it is a hole in which hearts devoted to your august family are throbbing;" while at the other the village priest and his clergy, all in surplice and alb, struck up Soldats du drapeau tricolore D'Orieans toi qui la's Porte,

Again the slim-waisted shape of the old wife ventured forth into the room. "Yes, as he says" in a voice that was but an echo "the church has been down many times." "Tais-toi c'est moi qui parle," grumbled anew her husband, giving the withered face a terrific scowl. "Ohe, oui, c'est toi," the echo bleated. The thin hands meekly folded themselves across her apron.

Or perhaps it is a radiant morning in June, and they are in the dining-room; the balcony door is open wide, and a large hornet buzzes loudly in the vine. Louise is still at the piano; she is singing this time, and trying to reach the low tones of a dramatic romance where a Corsican child is urged on to vengeance by his father: Tiens, prends ma carabiue! Sur toi veillera Dieu