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Cut venison into pieces. Heat 2 tablespoonfuls of butter; add 1 onion, 1 bay-leaf, 2 sprigs of parsley, and 2 of thyme, all chopped fine. Add the venison, salt and pepper. Let all fry a few minutes; then add 1 cup of consommé and let simmer until tender. Add 1/2 glass of sherry and 1/2 can of chopped mushrooms. Let all get very hot and serve with toasted croutons. Jewish Boiled Fish.

"No more danger for me in it than there is for a bit of toasted cheese in a rat-trap." "What a queer comparison!" I said. "It sounds as if you were going to be a bait to deceive a rat." "Multiply the singular into the plural, and your quick wit has deciphered my parable." "I'm afraid my wit doesn't deserve the compliment. I can't imagine what your mission really is. Unless " "Unless what? No!

The new Izor said, more than once, that, having taught the fellow to carry the protector, he could not unteach him. Were it darkest midnight the umbrella was produced and carried with as much serenity as when the sun broiled and toasted at midday.

'I couldn't think what to give you to eat tonight, said Ruth as she poured out the tea. 'I hadn't got no money left and there wasn't nothing in the house except bread and butter and that piece of cheese, so I cut some bread and butter and put some thin slices of cheese on it and toasted it on a place in front of the fire. I hope you'll like it: it was the best I could do.

Arthur Channing kept down under Galloway's shameful injustice; Jenkins making out that things are all over with him; and I driven off my head doing everybody's work! Good night, Jenkins. Good night, Mrs. J. That was a stunning tea! I'll come in again some night, when you have toasted muffins!"

Beale: "father" by adoption and love. If the police were set to find out "where he was and what he was doing?"... Somehow or other Dickie must get to Gravesend, to that house where there had been a bath, or something like it, in a pail, and where kindly tramp-people had toasted herrings and given apples to little boys who helped. He had helped then.

Then she drew forward the table, and put on the kettle and brewed some toddy, and set it out with toasted cake and cheese, and so drank, with cheerful moderation, to the health and happiness of the newly-promised lovers. And afterwards "the books" were opened, and Andrew, who was the priest of the family, asked the blessing of the Infinite One on all its relationships.

The wife of a very wicked man visited him one evening in prison, and found him enjoying a supper of toasted cheese. "How foolish of you, Edward," argued the fond lady, "to be eating toasted cheese for supper. You know it always affects your liver. All day long to-morrow you will be complaining." "No, I shan't," interrupted Edward; "not so foolish as you think me.

That he, Kennicott O'Neill, Academician, with Heaven knows how many medals of distinction, could fail at anything, was a new thought, bewildering and bitter. This time he escaped from the table and flung up a window. Whitaker, he grumbled, never toasted crackers without burning them. Whitaker brought him back with a look. "Sit down," he said again.

At half past eleven a footman opened the door leading into the dining-room and solemnly announced that supper was served. They supped and toasted, ate and drank amid the clatter of knives, forks, dishes, and spoons. Kseniya made Arkhipov, Polunin, a General and a Magistrate sit beside her.