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It is not true; it is an immeasurable distance from the truth. We are as abject toadies as any people on earth more so than any European people of similar civilization. When a foreign emperor, king, prince or nobleman comes among us the rites of servility that we execute in his honor are baser than any that he ever saw in his own land.

And so, nothing loth to comfort a sick lady, and perhaps not sorry in her heart to be freed now and again from the dreary spouting of the Reverend Bartholomew Irons, and the serious toadies who gathered round the footstool of the pompous Countess, her mamma, Lady Jane became a pretty constant visitor to Miss Crawley, accompanied her in her drives, and solaced many of her evenings.

All this mass of people ate what they could get, but always had their fill, drank till they were drunk, and carried off what they could, praising and blessing their genial host; and their host too when he was out humour blessed his guests for a pack of sponging toadies, but he was bored when he was without them.

"And who do you suppose HE turns out to be? Do you remember that conceited little wretch that 'Baby Senator, I think they called him who was in the parlor of the Golden Gate the other morning surrounded by his idiotic worshipers and toadies and ballot-box stuffers? Well, if you please, THAT'S Mr. Paul Hathaway the Honorable Paul Hathaway, who washed his hands of me, my dear, at the beginning!"

This society will have to win the confidence of public opinion by a very rigid avoidance of corruption and political profiteering; the slightest failure of a member in this respect must be visited by expulsion. The society must make itself obviously the champion of the national interests as against all self-seekers, speculators and toadies to foreign Powers.

All his thoughts were reduced to a continued wild succession of burning images, the mild face of his mother, so far away, as it smiled upon him when he ran about among the cane groves of the west; the negroes, with their "young massa" on their tongues, jabbering their affection; his father scowling upon him as undutiful; another, not so far away, in whose eyes beautiful to him love dwelt as his worshipper, looking all endearment, only the next moment to cast upon him the withering glance of her contempt, if not hatred; admirers, toadies, satellites, and sycophants, all there in groups and in succession, beslabbering him with praises, then exploding in peals of laughter.

After a time these "toadies" were disappointed in the daughter of the "sugar king." Nettie Parsons was a very commonplace, kindly girl, not at all brilliant, and dressed more plainly than the majority of the girls at Briarwood Hall. Ruth's thoughts about money were not in the same lines as the thoughts of those girls so much interested in Nettie Parsons' riches.

"Why wasn't he cut, then?" said East. "Oh, toadies never get cut; they're too useful. Besides, he has no end of great hampers from home, with wine and game in them; so he toadied and fed himself into favour."

"There is no sport now, and a man cannot always be reading French novels." "Well, I send amusing people down to him," said Berengaria. "It is difficult to arrange, for he does not like toadies, which is so unreasonable, for I know many toadies who are very pleasant.

But his toadies were about him, he had long ruled the roast, to retreat went against the grain; while to suppose that the man had the least chance against Lemoine was absurd. Yet he hesitated. "What do you know about the mare?" he said coarsely. "I have seen her. But of course, if you are afraid to wager her, sir " Payton answered to the spur. "Bah! Afraid?" he cried contemptuously.