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You never feel naughty as long as this, do you, Muffie?" "Never," said Muffie stoutly. "Boys are so different," sighed Miss Bibby. "Well, let us have one more peep before I go," pleaded Kate. They tiptoed round to the verandah window again. But this time there was no sign whatever of the rebel though both doors were still locked on the outside.

I had my murderer there, trapped, but the question was to keep him there. Your little Chaddie didn't give up many precious moments to reverie. I tiptoed into the bedroom and lifted the mattress, bedding and all, off the bedstead. I tugged it out and put it silently down over the trap-door. Then, without making a sound, I turned the table over on it.

He swore under his breath, wheeled about, and going into the parlor he shut the door and began walking to and fro. Babe crept rather quietly up the stairs. There were times when even Babe was afraid of "Poppa." Babe tiptoed up the first flight, walked solidly and boldly up the second, and ran up the third.

He stopped at the foot of the bed; and Holly, as if conscious of his eyes fixed on her, stirred, sighed, and curled up closer in defence. He tiptoed on and passed out into the dark passage; reached his room, undressed at once, and stood before a mirror in his night-shirt. What a scarecrow with temples fallen in, and thin legs! His eyes resisted his own image, and a look of pride came on his face.

I checked an impulse to call her name and stood for a moment watching her. Would she greet me, I asked, with that same chilling stare with which she had said good-by? I feared it. But I tiptoed down the slope to the wall, and, leaning over it in silence, enjoyed the stolen pleasure of her presence. Whether she would or not, we looked together over the fair land.

"Why, what's wrong?" she whispered. "Everything seems to be just as it was." "Look on the center-table!" commanded Phyllis, and she turned the torch full on that article of furniture. Leslie tiptoed over to examine it. Then she uttered a little half-suppressed cry. On the table was a slip of paper not a very large slip, and evidently torn from some larger sheet.

She looked at him appealingly for a moment, then tiptoed over the fragments of the gate, and hurried away through the bridge. "You ain't no iron-clad, Kun'l Ward," muttered Sproul. "I'll hold ye next time." He set to work on the river-bank that afternoon, cutting saplings, trusting to the squall of the faithful parrots to signal the approach of passers.

She was clasped in the arms dear, cuddly arms! of her friend. What laughter, tears, and chatter there were! "But we must go home," said Miss Drayton, presently. "Pat will be there now. We'll come back to see your cousin." As they entered the hall, they heard from above the click-click of dumb-bells. Miss Drayton put her finger on Anne's lips, and they tiptoed into the cozy sitting-room.

Reaching the upper landing he blew out the light of his candle, slammed the door to his own room, noisily turned the key, and shot the bolt of another, then tiptoed his way back to the staircase and looked down the well-hole into the lower hall. Zuilika had retired to her room, the Major had retired to his, and now Anita was taking up her candle to retire to hers.

Brewster made sure that Sary was in her room with the door closed, and then she tiptoed back to join her husband. She spoke in a whisper. "Sam, do you really think there will be any danger of claim-jumpers, to-morrow, on Top Notch?" "There's always trouble where gold is to be had," returned Mr. Brewster, seriously.