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"Well, it's just like this. If it was at school or any other place I wouldn't be bothered with the dirty little cuss, but out in the woods like this one feels kind o' friendly, an' three's better than two. Besides, he has been admitted to the Tribe already." "Yes, that's what I say. Let's give him a yell."

"For the last eighteen months," she said, "Marshall has practically made his home with us. The arrangement has its drawbacks, of course. For one thing the General and I are never alone, and that is a trial to us both. Two's company and three's none. When a husband and wife are really devoted they don't want always to have a third wheel to the domestic cart."

"Harry and Lucille are at the concert. They are passionately fond of music, and find facilities here that they do not have in the South. They wouldn't go to hear a seraph where they must take a negro seat. I was too tired to go. Besides, 'two's company and three's a crowd," she added, significantly. "I reckon you struck the nail on the head that time," said Robert, laughing.

Soon walking by two's and three's, across the campus, moved the girls, each bearing in her hand her wooden dish with ice-cream. Berenice sat alone on the coping. Hester Alden was not a reader of faces and could give no reasons for her pet likes and dislikes. She instinctively did not like Berenice, although the acquaintance had gone no further than a passing word.

"Three's just as bad as four," said Van. "Let's tell stories," began Polly, who never could remember such goings on in the little brown house; "we must each tell one," she added with the greatest enthusiasm, "and see which will be the biggest and the best."

'Not so, said Charteris, like the mariner of infinite-resource-and-sagacity; 'not so, but far otherwise. It'll only make three. 'Well, three's bad enough. 'True, oh king, three is quite bad enough. 'Well, then, there you are. Now you see. Charteris looked puzzled. 'Would you mind explaining that remark? he said. 'Slowly.

Bob shouted cheerfully. "Number Three's sure a-hittin' her up. She's no cougher stays right steady on the job. Bet I've wallowed in a million barrels of the stuff since mo'nin'." He waded through a viscid pool to Dave and asked a question in a low voice. "What's the good word?" "We had a little luck," admitted Sanders, then plumped out his budget of news.

Probably more vicious than these native "Three's" of Porno were the visiting bipeds, man himself, who thronged the kantrans which may be defined as dives for the purveying of all entertainments. In them were a score of snares for the buccaneer with money in his pocket and dope in his blood.

Why don't you stay here and keep us company?" "Oh, you can't never tell about the weather 'long this coast. It's likely to change most any time. Besides," with a wink that expressed comprehension unlimited, "I reckon you and Mr. Hazeltine don't care much 'bout the company of old fogies like me and Perez. Two's company and three's a crowd, you know. Ho, ho, ho!"

Bart did as he was told and felt Raynor Three's long fingers working at the bandages. "Move each finger as I touch it." Bart obeyed, and Raynor said neutrally, "Good. Now, take a deep breath and then open your eyes." Impatiently Bart flicked his lids open. In spite of the warning, his breath went out in a harsh, jolting gasp. His hands lay on the table before him but they were not his hands.