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From our small, ten-year-old Madelon, however, all this still lay hidden; for the present, the outward pressure, which had weighed too heavily on her little mind and brain, removed, she returned with a glad reaction to her old habits of thought and speech.

He also brought away with him a large quantity of the fine wire which had been destined for the manufacture of the cards, and which he hoped to be able to sell at a profit. The ten-year-old Minna was commissioned to sell separate lots of it to the milliners for making flowers.

"I didn't think of you as nearer than Thebes." "We just heard of some fresh finds here, so I'm combing over the tombs.... But you it's none of my business, Billy, but what in hell are you doing racing over Egypt with a ten-year old kid?" "Ten-year-old Great Cæsar, man, that's a real girl! She's grown up! She's old enough to vote or nearly." Burroughs stared harder than ever.

The death-bed of Syme, for instance, is as pathetic as the wonderful paper on Thackeray's death; and to-day many a heart is sore for 'Pet Marjorie, the ten-year-old child who died in Scotland almost a hundred years ago. As an essayist, Dr. Brown belongs to the followers of Addison and Charles Lamb, and he blends humor, pathos, and quiet hopefulness with a grave and earnest dignity.

You're Kentucky women and we're Kentucky men." The women paled. "I'll go," promptly said one. "I'll go," said another, and another. They all seized buckets and gourds; the boys and girls joined eagerly. "Goodby, brave hearts and God be with you." The gate was opened. In a long procession the file proceeded, led by Mrs. Jemima Johnson with ten-year-old Betsy Johnson holding to her hand.

This call of the Junetide came loudly and insistently to a little girl as she sat in the sitting-room of a prosperous farmhouse in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and sewed gaily-colored pieces of red and green calico into patchwork. "Ach, my!" she sighed, with all the dreariness which a ten-year-old is capable of feeling, "why must I patch when it's so nice out?

I've come across him too many times, when he'd been sent on an errand, stopping to play marbles and fly kites with the other boys. "But since he's took up with that motto of his, he's settled down in the harness as steady as a ten-year-old horse. Now I notice if there's anything specially important to be done, Chicky's the one they pick out.

"Yesterday she came home from school with glowing eyes and said to me, 'Grandmother, I should love to go to Spain. Beautiful flowers of all colors grow there and large sparkling grapes, and the sun shines down brightly on the flowers so that they glisten! I wish I could go right away! Just think of a ten-year-old child saying such a thing. I wonder what to expect next."

I was makin' up my mind to sneak away without seein' any o' the glad band those Frisco fellers are terrors when they take a fancy to ya I mean the thoroughbreds, the toppy lad with rolls 'at a ten-year-old boy couldn't up-end without strainin' himself.

Of herself, or of what the neighbors thought of her conduct, Janice Day thought but little. She went on to Mrs. Beaseley's cottage, solely anxious on Nelson's account. She found the widow in tears, for selfishly immured as Mrs. Beaseley was in her ten-year-old grief over the loss of her "sainted Charles," she was a dear, soft-hearted woman and had come to look upon Nelson Haley almost as her son.