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A picture of the fastidious, affable Directress rose clearly before her and she saw what a contrast to little efficient "Tattie," as the girls called the sturdy little house-keeper behind her back, Miss Ardsley would make at a sick-bed. "I suppose I'll have to go straight down to the office," she said aloud, as she went out into the hall. "Oh, dear, I hope she isn't going to be ill."

"You've got to come and make friends with a new girl." Sadie, Vi, and Tattie quitted their seats so suddenly that Magsie and Wendy, still resting on the handles, came croppers on to the grass. Wendy rolled over into a comfortable position, and did not trouble to rise. "Bunkum!" she remarked incredulously. "Don't try to rag me, Lennie Browne, for it won't come off.

Catie draped a scarf over her hair and shoulders and, holding a bedroom jug aloft on her head, posed as Rebecca at the well. Nan and Tattie, wrapt in identical blankets, were Tweedledum and Tweedledee. Winnie, with a painted moustache and a dressing-gown, was a Turk.

Certain special pupils were allowed to help to attend to the poultry a coveted honour as soon as the fluffy chickens and ducklings began to be hatched; others were being trained to understand bee-keeping; it was rumoured in the school that Miss Todd's ambition even soared so high as buying a cow. "Where would she keep it, though?" asked Tattie, who was practical.

Tattie and Vi, help to remove those those " The irate mistress paused for a word, but, failing to find one adequate to the occasion, began instead, her fingers trembling with indignation, to strip the turban from the classic head of Perseus. Dead, awful silence reigned in the room.

Clytie suffered from earache, and couldn't motor without a veil; as for Venus, it's giving her the vote that's forced a moustache; she's sent for a safety-razor, but it hasn't arrived yet." More girls had come in during Diana's explanation, and they wandered round the room in explosions of laughter. "Why has Perseus got a turban on?" demanded Tattie.

Tattie Wullie, Tattie Wullie, Tattie Wullie Shaw, Where's the sense o' workin', Wullie? Faith, ye're lookin' braw. or Peter Fleming, Peter Fleming, Peter, man, I say, Ye've been workin', ye've been workin', Ye've been workin' the day. Peter Fleming, Peter Fleming, If ye work ony mair, Peter Fleming, Peter Fleming, Your heart will be sair.

"Then we're left for evermore to the tender mercies of Toddlekins?" "That's just about the size of it. Toddlekins has taken the whole thing over." "She's been longing and yearning to seize the reins and drive the coach ever since she came," commented Tattie. "Well, she's got her chance now." "And she'll use it, too! You bet there'll be changes!" "Changes! There are changes already, although Mrs.

President. Merle Ramsay. Secretary. Kitty Trefyre. Committee. Muriel Burnitt. Aubrey Simpson. Beata Castleton. Tattie Carew. Edith Carey. Peggie Morrison. President. Muriel Burnitt. Secretary and Editress of Magazine. Mavis Ramsay. Committee. Iva Westwood. Maude Carey. Merle Ramsay. Fay Macleod. Nesta Pitman. Peggie Morrison. President. Iva Westwood. Secretary. Nesta Pitman. Committee.

At the moment when Wendy, Sadie, Tattie, Magsie, and Vi were sitting grousing in the wheelbarrow, Miss Todd, in the drawing-room, was completing an arrangement which was largely to affect their future. "It's very short notice, of course," she was saying. "But, as it happens, there's a vacant bed, and I can manage it perfectly well."