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No; I'm not censorious, and I wouldn't backbite an angel; but the way in which that young woman walks the sands at all hours there! there! I've done: I can't open my lips about that creature but you always storm. "You know that I always wanted to go to France; and you bring me down here only on purpose that I should see the French cliffs just to tantalise me, and for nothing else.

Cronshaw was taking his time to wake up that evening, though the saucers at his side indicated that he had at least made an honest attempt to get drunk. Clutton watched the scene with amusement. He fancied there was something of affectation in Cronshaw's minute knowledge of cricket; he liked to tantalise people by talking to them of things that obviously bored them; Clutton threw in a question.

I knew it was the water of the sea salt, and of no service to me, even could I have reached it but still it was the sound of water playing continually on my ears as if to mock and tantalise me. I need not recount the many painful reflections that passed through my mind during the period that followed.

It's the ignis fatuus you've seen, amigo!" "Bah!" added another; "supposing it is a binnacle-lamp, as you say, what would be the use, except to tantalise us. If it be in the binnacle, in course the ship as carries it must be stern towards us. What chance would there be of our overhaulin' her?" "Par Dieu! there be von light!" cried a sharp-eyed little Frenchman. "Pe Gar! I him see.

Going to the extreme edge of the precipice, the bear sat down on his haunches, and hungrily contemplated the birds, which were now beyond his reach, twittering noisily as if to tantalise him. "I would that I had a spear," growled Okiok. "I would venture at him even with a big stick," said Simek. "My friends," said Rooney, with sudden animation, "listen to me.

"Oh, the cross man," she said, "and the dissatisfied. Smile, then, or I won't come out again." "Come, Valmai, darling, you tantalise me, and I begin to think you are after all a fairy or a wood nymph, or something intangible of that kind." "Intangible, what is that?" she said, returning to his side with a little pucker on her brow.

Why should you care to tantalise me with a moment?" "Love is like folk," says she; "it needs some kind of vivers." "Oh, Barbara, let me see her properly!" I pleaded. "YOU can you see her when you please; let me have half an hour." "Who is it that is managing this love affair! You!

Words low and passionate came all in a rush. "What are, you doing with me? Why d'you tantalise me. Whether you're there or not there, your face haunts me your voice. It may be play for you it isn't for me " "I've never said I've never implied it was play ... for me " This time perceptibly she leaned nearer, mute confession in her look, her tone; and delicate fire ran in his veins....

For instance, when some pert young puppy would come forward, and civilly enough request his "one or two penn'orth of natives," Bruin would first insist on having the money paid down, and would then tantalise his customer by offering him the opened oyster and hastily withdrawing it just as the impatient jaws were about to close on the desired morsel, and so on to the end, to the vast irritation of many an irascible little animal.

"You'll not catch me," thought Humphrey; "and your guns are not loaded, so I'll tantalise you a little." He made Billy walk, and turned round to see what the men were about; they had arrived at where he had dug out the box, and were standing round the hole, evidently aware that it was no use following him.