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I have arranged for you to remain at the ranch to-night." "Oh, no. We prefer to go out and join the herd," objected Tad. "We most certainly do," added Ned. "That's what we are here for." "Have you heard anything new?" asked Tad, in a low voice, leaning from his saddle. "Yes. I heard that the cowmen all through here are stirred up. It isn't any one man or set of men that's doing it.

While it had not punctured the skin, the spur had raked the coat, showing that the rowel had been applied with considerable force. Tad, with a covert glance about, saw Ned Rector watching him. "You're the guilty one, eh?" he demanded, walking up to Ned. "S-h-h-h," cautioned Ned. "He'll be redheaded if he knows I am to blame for his coming a cropper." "Chunky's not so slow as you might think.

A touch on the shoulder and the man touched was on his feet as if propelled by springs, hand instinctively going to the revolver dangling from his belt. Tad, now keenly alive to what was going on, had partially thrown the blankets off, Chunky having done the same. "Don't stir. I'll tell you when it is time to move," warned Tad. "Men, I've changed my mind," announced the leader.

"A shepherdess costume is the prettiest thing you can wear," said Pauline. "I have one with me, and it's lovely. S'pose you two girls copy that, and then have the boys rig up something like it." "Mother will make us any old togs we want," said Tad, "It isn't a masquerade, is it?" "Oh, no," said Dolly; "just fancy dress, you know, if you choose, and lots of them just wear regular party clothes."

"No, I think I'll take you, the Professor being willing," answered Tad nodding at Rector. Ned stopped smiling, gazing at Tad to see whether the latter were in earnest. Tad was. "All right, I'm willing, Tad." "How about it, Professor?" "Provided you do not go into the mountains I will agree to your plan. But I cannot consent to your taking further desperate chances."

"I thought you were hunting 'possum," cried Polly. "I thought you were hunting 'possum," laughed the others. The men looked into each others' faces, then burst out laughing. "Where's the other one?" meaning Rector, who like Tad was to drive the 'possums in. "He's hunting 'possum," answered Tad. An hour later Ned Rector came sauntering in. "Hullo, did you drive out any 'possum?" called Cad.

"You wouldn't have to travel it far," laughed Tad. "You'd be walking on air before you knew it." Stacy had pressed on ahead while the others were talking. He had observed what they had not. One of the pack mules had lagged behind, and with head lowered almost to the ground appeared to have gone sound asleep.

Have we any more stakes in camp?" "There should be some in the kit." Tad searched until he found several more stakes, and with these and the emergency ropes, they made the tents secure. By the time they had done so, the heavens had grown black and menacing. They could see the storm sweeping down on them.

The Professor was much interested in the discovery, and asked Tad and Anvik many questions about the earlier discovery. Still, there was not much to be learned. A stranger in this wild place was something to attract the attention and cause speculation and discussion, so during the rest hour they talked of little else.

"I am afraid he is hurt." "Can't be very seriously or he would be unable to stand up and swing that rag," suggested Walter. "Looks to me as if he were trying to climb up the rocks," announced Chunky. As they gazed down intently they discovered Tad emerging from the bushes, slowly making his way upward. "He never can make it," breathed the Professor, anxiously. "He will be killed if he tries it."