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These things have been set out in the church of an old monastery, long since suppressed, and the rest of the collection occupies the cloisters. But these things are absent now; the cloister is a litter of confusion, and its trea- sures have been stowed away, confusedly, in sundry inaccessible rooms.

Discovering the delight the newspapers took in his vernacular, in his "you-alls," and "sures," and "surge-ups," he even exaggerated these particularities of speech, exploiting the phrases he had heard other frontiersmen use, and inventing occasionally a new one of his own. A wildly exciting time was his during the week preceding Thursday the eighteenth.

"Well," burst out Bathsheba, "don't stand there with your "ayes" and your "sures" talking at me! Get somebody to cure the sheep instantly!" All then stalked or in consternation, to get some- body as directed, without any idea of who it was to be. In a minute they had vanished through the gate, and she stood alone with the dying flock. "Never will I send for him never!" she said firmly.

Darby's field-hands," answered Agnes. "I should tink dat gal wouldn't frow herseff away in dat ar way," said Sally. "She's good lookin' 'nough to git a house-servant, and not hab to put up wid a field-nigger. "Yes," said Sam, "dat's a werry unsensible remark ob yourn, Miss Sally. I admires your judgment werry much, I 'sures you.

Farmer Boldwood hev got the thing they do it with. 'Tis a holler pipe, with a sharp pricker inside. Isn't it, Joseph?" "Ay a holler pipe," echoed Joseph. "That's what 'tis." "Ay, sure that's the machine," chimed in Henery Fray, reflectively, with an Oriental indifference to the flight of time. "Well," burst out Bathsheba, "don't stand there with your 'ayes' and your 'sures' talking at me!

I strolled over his dusky habitation it must have taken all his good-humor to light it up at the heels of the custodian, who showed me the usual number of castle-properties: a deep, well-like court; a collection of winding staircases and vaulted chambers, the embra- sures of whose windows and the recesses of whose doorways reveal a tremendous thickness of wall.

Darby's field-hands," answered Agnes. "I should tink dat gal wouldn't frow herseff away in dat ar way," said Sally; "She's good lookin' 'nough to git a house-servant, and not hab to put up wid a field-nigger." "Yes," said Sam, "dat's a werry unsensible remark ob yourn, Miss Sally. I admires your judgment werry much, I 'sures you.

"Hope we don't run into no ships." He winked at Tim, the weakling hatter, who took the cue and mourned: "I'm kinda afraid we're going to, ain't you, Pete? The mate was telling me he was scared we would." "Sures' t'ing you know. Hey, Wrennie, wait till youse have to beat it down-stairs and tie up a bull in a storm. Hully gee! Youse'll last quick on de game, Birdie!"