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Although Angela had equipped herself with a varied and serviceable trousseau, her clothes would not last forever. Odd necessities began to crop up not long after they were married, and he began to see that if they lived with anything like the freedom and care with which he had before he was married, his income would have to be larger and surer.

We are ready to cry out against the sluggish movement of the world and its lazy flux of life; but before the satire is spoken, we are fascinated by an undercurrent of this same world, earnest and full toward its sure goal, of which, indeed, we only dream; but "the dream is from God," and surer than sight.

Erica read the paper twice before she looked up; she had grown white to the very lips. Raeburn, recognizing the form of a subpoena, came hastily forward, and in the merest glance saw how matters were. By no possibility could the most malicious of opponents have selected a surer means of torturing him. "Is this legal?" asked Erica, lifting to him eyes that flashed with righteous indignation.

But there are occasions when the perusal of documents and the exercise of what is called the higher criticism afford no surer basis for opinion.

I will not consider your choice settled till the end of a year at least, your name will be kept on the college books till then; if on experience you should prefer to return to Oxford, and pursue the slower but surer path to independence and distinction, you can. And now give me your hand, Mr. Leslie, in sign that you forgive my bluntness: it is time to dress."

Why this was so, whether Art took a hint from Politics, or had withdrawn her more intimate manifestations to await likelier times, is a question it were long to answer. The subjects, at any rate, were such as the Greeks, with their surer instincts and saving grace of sanity in matters of this kind, either forbore to meddle with or treated as decoratively as they treated acanthus-wreaths.

And then the veteran would look at One-Ear, who was, notoriously, a bad flint worker, though, a weapon once in his grasp, there were few could use it with surer eye or heavier hand and would chuckle as he made the comment. As for One-Ear, he listened placidly enough. He was glad a son of his could make good weapons. So much the better for the family!

This custom is still quite common, and is preferred by the laity to the surer and much wiser method of immediate cauterization by fire. There is a curious case reported of a young man who was bitten on the ankle by a viper; he had not sucked the wound, but he presented such an enormous swelling of the tongue as to be almost provocative of a fatal issue.

Pakenham who voiced at last the thought uppermost for both of them, "I wonder how Sir Basil will take it." "Everard's death, you mean, or her going off?" "Both." "It's obvious, I think, that if he doesn't follow her at once it will only be because he thinks that now his chance has come he will make it surer by waiting." "It's rather odious of me to think about it at all, I suppose," Mrs.

Having adopted the children, having foregone her prejudices good and evil having set her feet upon the way, she meant to go unfalteringly on, and because doubts would assail her at times, she held the surer to her task. She remained a month at Ridge House. She wrote to Thornton and in due time his reply came. Apparently he had written while bewildered and shocked. The old arrogant tone was gone.