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Clearly a recast of the phrase of Vergil, 'O fortunati nimium sua si bona nôrint Agricolae.

His Apologia pro Vita Sua, which he wrote in reply to an attack by Charles Kingsley, an Episcopal clergyman, is really, as its sub-title indicates, A History of His Religious Opinions. This intimate, sympathetic account of his religious experiences won him many friends.

Sunt sua praemia laudi, says Virgil; and so Cicero, Nihil habet natura praestantius, quam honestatem, quam laudem, quam dignitatem, quam decus, which he tells you are all names for the same thing. This is the language of the heathen philosophers, who well understood wherein their notions of virtue and vice consisted.

Spite of this, there were among those feminine voices, some so very sweet that, there is no use in denying it, they were dear to me. One in particular surpassed the rest; I heard it more seldom, and it uttered nothing unworthy of its fascinating tone. She sung little and mostly kept repeating these two pathetic lines: Chi rende alla meschina La sua felicita?

Newman's reply was the Apologia pro Vita Sua, which he wrote in seven weeks, sometimes working twenty-two hours at a stretch, 'constantly in tears, and constantly crying out with distress'. The success of the book, with its transparent candour, its controversial brilliance, the sweep and passion of its rhetoric, the depth of its personal feeling, was immediate and overwhelming; it was recognised at once as a classic, not only by Catholics, but by the whole English world.

The greatest Life ever lived was no smaller for being in a carpenter's shop, and largely spent among a few ignorant fishermen. The Scarabee had a valid apologia pro vita sua in spite of Dr. Holmes. Tolstoy on his farm, Milton without his sight, Bunyan in his prison, Pasteur in his laboratory, all did great things for the world.

Quite dark, regular brunette, black. I for one certainly believe climate accounts for character. That's why I asked you if you wrote your poetry in Italian. The temperaments at the door, Stephen interposed with, were very passionate about ten shillings. Roberto ruba roba sua. Quite so, Mr Bloom dittoed.

"Qui seminant in lachrymis in exultatione metent," chanted the deep voices of the monks, and Prior Stephen's voice trembled as he joined in the Psalmody. "Euntes ibant et flebant mittentes semina sua. Venientes autem venient cum exultatione portantes manipulos suos." He had sown in tears, ay, and was weary of the sowing; but the harvesting was not yet.

But whether that name was coupled with present felicity or future hopes I do not recollect. But du Maurier's lines describe him and our chumship much better than any words of mine could do. He says: "To BOBTAIL. Oh, fortunatos nimium, sua si bona norint All lazy beggars like me "

The first circumstance which maketh an action good or bad is quis, which designeth the person: If a magistrate put to death a malefactor, the action is good; but if a private person put him to death, it is evil. The second is quid, which noteth the quality or condition of the object: If a man take sua, the action is good; if aliena, it is evil.