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"No," was the laughing response, "but it has been unoccupied except by cats, and in some way has gotten that name." "And then the eyes we saw-?" "Quite likely a stray cat, but still it would not be wondered at if your nerves got on edge. You are a brave boy, Tom Dare, and I know I shall hear of brave deeds of yours in the future."

This was the spot which the Admiral had selected to serve as a rendezvous and lurking-place from which he could sally forth with a good chance of cutting off the Port Arthur fleet, should it venture to stray far from the shelter of the fortress; and subsequently it was often referred to in his dispatches as "a certain place."

"I shall be quite distressed if a stray word of mine should debar you from accepting a good offer of a secretaryship." "Why, your least wish " the young man began then checked himself hastily "must be always important," he went on, in a different voice, "to everyone of your acquaintance." Daphne rose hurriedly.

In Middlesex, a county which from the days of Elizabeth through to the Restoration had maintained a very even pace a stray conviction now and then among many acquittals the reign of Charles II saw nothing more serious than some commitments and releases upon bail.

Patience wondered what was to become of the poor child, if her father never appeared to claim her; but it was no time to bring this forward, for Steadfast, as soon as he had swallowed his porridge, had to go off to finish his day's labour for the lady of the manor, warning his sisters that they had better keep as close as they could in the wood, and not let the cattle stray out of their valley.

But if a stranger of more than provincial repute chanced to be present; if some stray member of parliament, or barrister on the circuit, or wandering artist, accompanied any of the neighbours, to him Lucretia gave more earnest and undivided attention.

"Not run away from one another, you know; run close together, I mean." "Scrape up a few stray locks of furze, and make a blaze, so that we can see who the man is," said Fairway. When the flame arose it revealed a young man in tight raiment, and red from top to toe. "Is there a track across here to Mis'ess Yeobright's house?" he repeated. "Ay keep along the path down there."

And his rope and running iron were ever ready, and his weather eye alert for a chance to catch and decorate with the X brand any stray cattle that ventured within his range. This was a peculiar phase of cowboy character.

But, encumbered as they were at first with the driven horses, the twenty men who had carried them off had such a start of their pursuers that they reached the high road where they could not stray, and drove them right before them to sir Trevor Williams at Usk. 'The fodder will last the longer, said the marquis, with a sigh sent after his eighty horses.

Evan gazed at the garden wall, gravely for more than a minute, and then he nodded without a word. The system of espionage in the asylum was so effective and complete that in practice the patients could often enjoy a sense of almost complete solitude. They could stray up so near to the wall in an apparently unwatched garden as to find it easy to jump over it.