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They could never be the same as before they had set out to kill another lot of men on the crest of the knoll. He could not keep a comparison out of mind: One of the dead Browns, lying in almost the same position, looked enough like the manufacturer's son to be his brother. He pictured Eugene Aronson's parents receiving the news of his death the mother weeping, the father staring stonily.

You fastened yourself on me to have easy times and grow fat on my life blood, I tell you. Was that it? I believe you are the greatest miser in the world, or else why . . ." "No. I am only poor," interrupted Captain Whalley, stonily. "Steady," murmured the Serang. Massy turned away with his chin on his shoulder. "I don't believe it," he said in his dogmatic tone. Captain Whalley made no movement.

Conscious of the grins of the handful of patrons, and the leers of the waiters, she steeled herself to suppress every betrayal of the mortification in which her soul was writhing, she made no sign but stared on stonily at the blackness of the night that peered in at the open doors.

Heemskirk on the verandah, lolling in a chair, his legs extended and his white cap reposing on his stomach, was lashing himself into a fury of an atrocious character altogether incomprehensible to a girl like Freya. His chin was resting on his chest, his eyes gazed stonily at his shoes. Freya examined him from behind the curtain. He didn't stir. He was ridiculous.

Her first startled impression that the white framework seemed to be a painted metal was apparently founded on fact. A strong person might have bent it with a hammer, but he could not have broken it. She examined the windows in the other rooms and they were of the same structure. "They are made like that," she said to herself stonily, "to prevent people from getting OUT."

Balls, and picnics, and cocoa parties, and boating in summer no end of lovely exciting pranks!" "Excuse me, my dear," Lady Hayes was frosty again, staring stonily over the rim of her spectacles "excuse me, but would you kindly explain for what reason you are anxious to go to Cambridge? I had imagined that it was for education, now it appears that balls and picnics are the attraction.

The truth was my anger was rising. I could bear no longer the silent regards of all those eyes at the windows. I writhed under them cruel, pitiless eyes they were. I read in them a morbid curiosity, a patient anticipation that drove me wild. Those men and women gazing on us so stonily knew my companion's rank and faith.

Vivian Howard nodded the head he was bending over his Abishag. Bill signalled to George a swift wink. George drew a handkerchief; wiped from his face the beaded agony. Mr. Bitt dropped heavily into his seat. "Of course I'm very glad, Mr. Howard," he announced stonily. "Very glad. At the same time at the same time " He turned upon George with a note that was almost savage. "You, sir!" he cried.

And sometimes they get it even from Wajo where every man is free and wears a kris." There was a period of dead silence while Lingard looked thoughtful and the Malays gazed stonily at nothing. "But we burn our powder amongst ourselves," went on Hassim, gently, "and blunt our weapons upon one another."

His complexion was of a dead pallor, which was more startling by contrast with a long, dwindling beard of vivid red, which flowed down over his white waistcoat, with his watch-chain gleaming through its fringe. Such was the stately presence who looked stonily at us from the centre of Dr. Huxtable's hearthrug. Beside him stood a very young man, whom I understood to be Wilder, the private secretary.