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"'O, I sprained my thumb, so I couldn't write very well, unt I made a Jew prisoner copy it, said Bob Smiles. "'It's the best writing I have seen, said the officer. 'I want the man what wrote it to go with me to Headquarters at once. I have some copying there to be done at once, unt not one of them corn-crackers that I have up there can write anything fit to read.

"Anna sprained her ankle, jumping over the Stryd," said Minnie. "Not seriously, I hope." "Oh dear no; nothing at all to signify." It was the only word which Anna spoke till it was suggested that she should go up to her room. The girl obeyed, as a child might have done, and went up-stairs, followed by Mrs. Lovel. "My dear," she said, "we cannot go on like this. What is the matter?"

One man fell on top of me and my arm was sort of doubled up under me. It hurts awful. I don't know whether it's sprained or broken or " They had to stay in town a week before they could go back to the ranch. When they went back Dave had his arm in a sling. "It's a good thing the twenty-three tons of hay are in," said Sid. "You couldn't do much with that arm." Dave did not say anything.

Do you not remember how he carried me home more than two miles, when a year ago I fell down when I was out with you, and sprained my ankle. And now, Albert, perhaps some day you will get so strong that you may not think of going into the Church and shutting yourself up all your life in a cloister, but may come to be famous too." "I have not thought of that, Aline," he said, gravely.

The column was long enough filing out to give him time to pay scrupulous attention to the length of the stirrups and of the bands, all the while continuing his harangue. "I beg your pardon, Monsieur, for being somewhat slow about this; but I sprained my arm slightly in lifting Monsieur de Thou, who himself raised Monsieur le Marquis during the grand scuffle."

I'll take you upstairs and doctor it properly, for if there is one thing I do flatter myself I understand, it is how to treat a sprained ankle. Will you come now, or wait until after lunch?" "Oh, have your lunch first, please! It will be time enough when you have finished. It would be too bad to take you away now, when Peggy has had so much trouble to prepare a meal for us!"

As for Lady Penock, I learned with satisfaction of her escape, barring a sprained ankle; she had departed indignant at the impertinence of my conduct, and to the people who had charitably suggested to her to instal herself as a gray nun at the bedside of her preserver, she said, coloring angrily, "Oh, I should die if I were to see that young man again."

Later on I was a week in the hospital here with a sprained ankle, and I had a chance to explore this lovely city of Picardy. Its cathedral was a never-ending source of interest, and not a day passed during my stay that I did not hobble on crutches through its dim aisles and worship the beauty of its statues.

"I wonder what we shall see round the corner there!" said Mercy, the younger of the two. "The same over again, I suppose!" answered Christina. "What a rough road it is! I've twice nearly sprained my ankle!" "I was thinking of what I saw the other day in somebody's travels about his interest in every turn of the road, always looking for what was to come next."

The reader may remember what Number Five said about the possibility of her getting a sprained ankle, and her asking the young Doctor whether he felt equal to taking charge of her if she did.