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Bartle, immediately after their arrival in the haggard, separated from his companion, in order, he said, to give notice of interruption, should Una be either watched or followed. "Besides, you know," he added, "sweethearts like nobody to be present but themselves, when they do be spakin' soft to one another.

It's your father that's spakin' to you, our lost flower; an' the hand that often smoothed your goolden head is now upon your grave." He wiped his eyes as he concluded, and after lifting a little of the clay from her grave, he tied it carefully up, and put it into his pocket. Having left the grave-yard, he retraced his steps towards Frank Farrell's house.

"But you must do 'em good," admonished his mother. "There's nothin' but bad luck goes with poor dustin' and dirty dishwashin'. And spakin' of luck, it's lucky you are I caught you at it the first toime you done 'em bad, for, do you see, I'll be lookin' out for you now for a good bit jist to be seein' that you're a b'y that can be trusted.

But it's the place where the Seven Oceans of the World meet. Ay, indeed, ma'am but don't be lettin' on to her. I was spakin' to a man who had a brother went through it, and he said the ragin' and tearin' of them all flowin' together 'ud terrify the sinses out of King Solomon.

"Ain't it wonderful the like of them young craters can talk like that!" he cried; "shure, Molly, that young lady who'd the essay where is it?" a huge black forefinger travelled down the page "'Music, The Turkish Patrol, No though that's grand, that piece; I'll be spakin' wid Professor Von Keinmitz to bring it when we've the opening. Here 'tis, Molly: 'Tin, Essay.

About this time twelve months no, faix, I'm wrong, it was afore Dan's marriage I had thoughts o' spakin' ta you about it, but somehow it left my head. Upon my word, I'm in airnest, Ellish." "Well, avick, make your mind asy; I'll have one from Dublin in less nor a fortnight. I can thin go about of an odd time, an' see how Dan an' Pether's comin' an.

"Ed," interposed the man from Weston, "if you could only get the place ready, what a Jim Dandy house-warming we'd have, in addition to the celebration commemorating the birthday of the town! Do you think the job can be put through on schedule time?" This made Myles a trifle irritated. "Arrah, what are yez spakin' about? Look-a here, me frind, I'm givin' ye no ghost story.

But that's the way it is wid thim words that has a power of manin' in thim. They're apt to bother you a bit when you're used to spakin plain." "Belike it's the fever in his head sets him talkin' oddly," said young Barney Corcoran. "I mind me brother Joe when he was bad wid it would be ravin' wild. Sorra the sinsible word there was out of him for the best part of a week."

'An eagle will be sick, says St. Columbkill, 'but the bed of the sick eagle is not a tree, but a rock; an' there, he must suffer till the curse of the Father* is removed from him; an' then he'll get well, an' fly over the world." * This is the Pope, in consequence of Bonaparte having imprisoned him. "Is that in the prophecy, Donnel?" "It's St. Columbian's words I'm spakin'."

"You were spakin' to some one at the well." "Ah, thin, Shawn, who would I be spakin' to?" "Maybe I know I believe I do but I want now to know whether you're a liar, as I suspect you to be, or whether you are honest enough to tell the truth." "Do you suspect me, then?" "I do suspect you; or rather I don't bekaise I know the truth. Answer me who were you spakin' with?"