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As it was, she made no mistake, but snuggled cosily over her pretty eggs, doubling up her long slender black legs and her yellow feet as best she could.

"That must have been its climax," said Paul, "and if so look out for the rain." Paul was right. The lightning began to decline in intensity and the thunder sank in volume. The wind died rapidly. Yet there was no increase of light, and presently they heard afar a rushing sound. Great drops beat like hail upon their tarpaulin, and all except the man who was steering snuggled to cover.

"My precious child, this little stone which you have kept so lovingly, and which without a thought of self you have given to me do you know of whom it is the image?" "Yes," answered Lu-san, the colour coming to her cheeks again as she snuggled up contentedly in her new friend's warm embrace, "it is the dear goddess Kwan-yin, she who makes the children happy."

You'd be warmer, and I could turn the skirt of my frock up round you. I'd be very careful. Anthea had never expected that it would, but it did. 'Thank you, it said; 'you really are rather thoughtful. It crept on to her lap and snuggled down, and she put her arms round it with a rather frightened gentleness. 'Now then! it said.

And Dora's eyes fairly beamed with happiness as she snuggled closer to him. "But about your father," she continued, a moment later. "I am selfish to forget him. Then he is not so well?" "He is fairly well, but he gets a bad spell ever so often, and then to attend to business is out of the question. But that isn't the worst of it.

At the first sound of it Topaz started and trembled violently and snuggled so close to Gabriel that the latter, who did not connect his action with the music, was dismayed. "Topaz, what is the matter?" he asked, and hurried along, thinking to find some park where he could sit down and try to discover what ailed his little playfellow.

She slipped her arm through his and snuggled up to him. "Oh, for a lot of reasons. First, because I've always supposed you'd be getting married one day; and I've been terribly afraid you'd pick out some one I couldn't get along with." "Have I ever shown any symptom to justify that alarm?" "N no; but you never can tell with a man." "Can you be any surer with a woman?"

Probably they were not definitely aware that their empty stomachs had been filled, or that their shrinking, shivering little bodies were snuggled down in somebody's thick fur coat, or that somebody's warm red tongue was licking and stroking and caressing them.

And she became very frightened that, some day, she might make Andrew a hothouse plant, too. She looked at the thin, grey-backed book again and more light came to her. She flung herself on the ground, her face on the soft grass. The baby, looking at her wonderingly, crawled towards her, and snuggled up to her, his wet little hands on her neck.

"'But what could you expect, my dear fellow?... I couldn't bear those people. They were too coarse for me. I was born to be a lady. And tell me, why can't I be? Don't I look as good as any of them?... "And she snuggled her head against my shoulder, like the docile sweetheart she was, a slave subjected to all sorts of caprices in exchange for being clothed handsomely.