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"The Scotch knights have no masters in the world, and he who can hold his own with the best of them, be it a Douglas, a Murray or a Seaton, has nothing more to learn. Though you be a hard man, you will always meet as hard a one if you ride northward. If the Welsh be like the furze fire, then, pardieu! the Scotch are the peat, for they will smolder and you will never come to the end of them.

She could see that Pierrot and the factor had been talking about something that had not been pleasant to her father. His face was strained. She caught in his eyes the smolder of fire which he was trying to smother, as one might smother flames under a blanket. McTaggart's jaws were set, but his eyes lighted up with pleasure when he saw her. She knew what it was about.

It might have come from the center of the world, this smoke, where the fires of the ages still smolder. It came as if self-impelled, driving all before it, a perpetual explosion. It was inexhaustible; one stared, waiting to see it stop, but still the great streams rolled out.

"This suspense is killing me. For the love of Mike, children, where is she?" "She's coming," Beulah answered; "David's bringing her." Gertrude pushed him into the chaise-lounge already in the possession of Margaret, and squeezed in between them. "Hold my hand, Jimmie," she said. "The feelings of a father are nothing, nothing in comparison to those which smolder in the maternal breast.

When the cooking was finished the logs were drawn back a few inches and the fire went down to coals, but continued to smolder. When the logs were brought together again the fire blazed up. Ned and Johnny made their bed on one of the tables and slept well, but they kicked at dipping their hands in the family stew, and broiled their venison and made their coffee over the common fire.

No forest fire, since the birth of time, ever started of its own accord. Each and every one has been due to human carelessness. A campfire ill-extinguished; a smolder of tobacco not stamped out; the flaming cinders of a railroad train, a match dropped among dry leaves before spark and blaze have both been destroyed, these be the first and only causes of the average forest fire. All are avoidable.

After a while the rapid rubbing of the piece of wood in the hole made heat. Presently a very thin thread of smoke began to come up through the little heap of moss about the stick. Henry was now pretty well out of breath, but he sawed the bow faster than ever. At last the moss began to smolder and to show fire. Keketaw then withdrew the smoking stick, and gathered the moss together.

His eyes, however, seemed to smolder with an emotion of which Kid Wolf could only guess the nature. The Spaniard's face was that of a hypnotist, with its thin, high-bridged nose and its chilling, penetrating gaze. "Your name, señor?" "Kid Wolf, from Texas, sah." Spanish governors of that day had no reason to like gunmen from the Lone Star State.

All told, it was over two hours before the punk began to smolder. "By Mownoth!" swore the herdsman, staring reverently at the smoke. "We have done a miracle, Dulnop ye and I! Be ye sure this is no dream?" Quite in human fashion, Dulnop seriously reached out and pinched the herdsman's tremendous arm.

As he couldn't, remorse, with no outlet of words, smoldered on his consciousness, as some hidden and infected wound might smolder in his flesh. Yet he knew there would be no further unfaithfulness. He would never, he told himself, see Lily again! That was easy! He was done with all "Lilys."