United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The only things I have against him are that he will live in Pittsburgh and that he wants Jean." Mr. Carleton rose with satisfaction. At least part of his mission had been successfully accomplished. He could afford to overlook the slur on Pittsburgh which, as it happened, was his home as well as that of Mr. Tom Curtis. "Then I'll call up Mr. Curtis," he said, "and tell him he may expect you.

Neither spoke for a moment, and then Miss Walton remarked: "You do not mean to be guided by me in this matter?" "Lorraine is my friend," Hal answered. "I cannot let myself listen to anything that suggests a slur upon her." "Not even if your brother expressed a wish on the subject?" "I do not ask Dudley to let me choose his friends." "That is quite a different matter.

"Now, John, I don't mean for you to take it that I'm throwin' any slur over your courage for the way things has turned out I don't want you to take it that way at all, lad," said Tim. "I'm not a fighting man" Mackenzie was getting hotter as he went on "everybody in here knows that by now, I guess.

Miriam's eyes were raised for a moment from her book. "Is it like that they talk in France?" she asked. "Are those the sentiments of the great republic?" Barebone laughed aloud. "I thought I could make you look up from your book," he answered. "One has merely to cast a slur upon the poor your dear poor of Farlingford and you are up in arms in an instant.

Our enemies will, however, persist in leaving no stone unturned in order to cast a slur upon the Embassy, for their principal object is to succeed in bringing about my recall, or the rupture of diplomatic relations with Germany. Once they have accomplished this, they are convinced that it will be an easy matter to draw the United States into the war.

But, in all ambitions and attempts, howsoever grounded otherwise, there is this strict question on the threshold: "Are you of weight for the adventure; are not you far too light for it?" Ambitious persons often slur this question; and get squelched to pieces, by bringing the Twelve Labors of Hercules on Unherculean backs!

They had, in one way and another, got the notion that it is a very inferior play, and not worth reading, or at least not to be read until after they were tired of all the others a time which had not yet come. There seems to be a slur cast upon this play; the reason of which is its very undramatic character, and the consequent non-appearance of its name in theatrical records.

What's more, I'll head a bunch of Clark's boys, and we'll wipe Shanty Town off the face of the earth." Matthews raised his shoulders and put his tongue in his cheek. "You're mighty interested in these ladies, seems t' me," he said insinuatingly. The slur did not escape the storekeeper. It determined him to parley no further. "Hoist your hands!" he commanded. Matthews obeyed.

"Ye needna tell us that," said the Scot. But he would say that the best three-quarters of him was Scotch in that he had a Scotch woman for a wife, and nothing that he had said or could say could be interpreted as casting a slur upon that great and proud and noble race than whom none had taken a larger and more honourable part in the building and the maintaining of the Empire. But to resume.

Hughes mean by his "Christ-like purity"? Is there a reference here to the twelfth verse of the nineteenth chapter of Matthew? Purity, if properly understood, is undoubtedly a virtue. Mr. Hughes forgets, however, that his eulogy on Tennyson in this respect is a slur upon the Bible.