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"My dear fellow, what has happened?" exclaimed Headland. "I have been attacked by highwaymen or ruffians of some sort, and though I beat them off, one of them sent a bullet through my side, and another gave me an ugly slash with a hanger. Thanks to my good steed, and a stout stick I carried instead of my whip, I kept them at bay till I got clear away."

And all about him on the quickening breeze, the spiders' air-ships, their air bundles and air sheets, seemed to him to hurry in a conscious pursuit. Clatter, clatter, thud, thud, the man with the silver bridle rode, heedless of his direction, with his fearful face looking up now right, now left, and his sword arm ready to slash.

In time she would perhaps recover her self-esteem, but she would never know in its fullness that divine right of American maidenhood to rule its environment and make demands of it. The prediction made by Blister Haines that some overbearing puncher would bully Bob because of his reputation as safe game did not long wait fulfillment. A new rider joined the Slash Lazy D outfit.

Dada had already observed a broad scar which marked the soldier's brow as high up as she could see it for the helmet, and she broke in: "How can you men like to slash and kill each other? Just think, if that cut had been only a finger's breadth lower you would have lost your eyes, and oh! it is better to be dead than blind. When all the world is bright not to be able to see it; what must that be!

This to his patient and willing pony, that again swung into a run and ran steadily despite his fatigue, for he feared the instant slash of the quirt should he slacken pace. Round a bend in the trail, where an arm of the distant forest ran out into the mesa. Fadeaway again set his horse up viciously. Chance stopped and looked up at the rider.

Why was it that of two men one had stamina to go through regardless of the strain while another went to pieces and made a spectacle of himself? Bob noticed that both in his report to Harshaw and later in the story he told at the Slash Lazy D bunkhouse, Dud shielded him completely. He gave not even a hint that Dillon had weakened under pressure.

There were a half a dozen rents in his uniform and a fearful slash under his chin but he was breathing still. Chad Buford had escaped and so had Yankee Jake. In May, Grant simply said Forward! The day he crossed the Rapidan, he said it to Sherman down in Georgia.

Severing the rope with one quick, strong slash, he scrambled aft and seized the oar. "Stand by with that painter to jump for the buoy, when I put the bow against it! Better take off your shoes first!" Percy obeyed. In his stocking feet he would be less liable to slip on the wet iron. Making a loose coil of the painter, he crouched in the bow.

In point of fact, the weed was so thick and so firmly matted together that I almost could walk on it; and when I had knocked loose a couple of doors from their hinges and had thrown them overboard taking two, so that I might move one ahead of the other as my cutting advanced I had firm enough standing place from which I could slash away.

The coyote made a swift lunge and drove his teeth in one hind leg. The young bull whirled and aimed a sweeping slash of his polished spears, intent upon impaling his foe; and as he turned a second coyote flashed from behind a tree and slashed him. The bull whirled again and struck wickedly with a smashing forefoot.